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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. I'm assuming that your Athearn SD9 has a MIR 071 body fitted to it if so I use a Digitrax DN135D its a great little decoder and has a lot of lighting effects and unlike the Hornby/Bachmann decoders you have a lot of CV's to finally adjust the motor. But most of all it is small in size and therefore you should not have a problem fitting it into the body of the 071 as there ain't much room left with the athearn chassis. It also comes as a wires only decoder and its what I would recommend for your SD9 and SD45. Here's the link http://www.dccsupplies.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=459_182_394_212&products_id=2861
  2. Your layout is really starting to take shape. Looking good. Where did you get the hanging basket liner as my local B&Q don't do it.
  3. Steer clear of Bachmann decoders as well
  4. I have to agree with you Rich that would be a great idea and I look forward to seeing it
  5. Never mix DCC and DC mate. If your layout is going to be DCC then test with DCC
  6. Yes she has seen it and loves it. My Missus doesn't give me grief about my hobby:-bd
  7. I get that as well sometimes I just revert back to photobucket
  8. Yes mate I just have to finalise my track plan
  9. No mate the lights do work but I'm not really into having everything lit up on the layout
  10. The first thing I did when I got it home was to give the walls and roof some dirt and rust
  11. Dave is there anything you don't have Did you just get her as I didn't see that one in your collection before.
  12. The first of the buildings has arrived from Glenderg for the main Street of Ballykay and I'm well impressed. A Big Thank You to Richie for all his hard work
  13. It takes 4m/12' of track, is 1m/ 3' long and 30cm/12" wide. It can hold 12 x 201's, 16 x 071's or 20 x 141/181's. Its the Beast of Ballykay. A big thank you to Glenderg for building this monster shed for me
  14. That's why I said they would be a nice addition to the 201's and 071's when they are withdrawn
  15. I Can't understand why the RPSI won't take a rake for there will come a day when 201's and 071's will be preserved and will need something nice to pull behind them besides those God awful green Mk's
  16. http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20C/Connolly/slides/Connolly_20080523_040_CC_JA.html
  17. Sorry mate but they are very tall blue ones
  18. Peco all the way I wouldn't touch Hornby track with a 20' bargepole
  19. Its a film about aliens
  20. DCC Supplies and they offer a fantastic back up service http://www.dccsupplies.com/shop/index.php?cPath=98_108
  21. Well I did warn you several times
  22. Looking forward to more pics
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