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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Laugh no longer. This is what happens when you forget to open the vent on a wagon while been emptied using a vacum system. Also some trucks us this system also to discharge their loads. Cement and fertiliser powers can be unloaded this way or they can be discharged by blowing air into the tank forcing the materials out. It is also how they unload ships with the likes of grain and wheat using a massive hoover.
  2. Love the pics it hasn't changed much from when I was there in 1988
  3. Seamus looking at Wiggys ammonia wagons they aint MIR ones they are repainted Bachmann/Hornby tankers. Your MIR ammonia wagons are made of resin and there for a lot heavier than Wiggy's look alikes. His would be a hell of a lot lighter than yours. BTW not 100% sure but I think they only ran them in rakes of 6. Try taking 2 of and see how you get on. They will be a good test for the new 071's [ATTACH=CONFIG]1795[/ATTACH]
  4. Not sure it was 5 I seen 4 and an enterprise standard coach along with 112. Very hard to get a pic as you are on the motorway
  5. I saw them over the weekend they look great
  6. No point in taking pics bud as any of the layouts that were there you would have seen last year or the year before that or the year before that. As with all of the shows North of the Boarder the clubs here prefer to model British steam or Diesel and ignore their own Countries Railways when it comes to show layouts. Shameful really. I think the UMRC needs to drastically do something with this show for next year or I can see the final nail in the coffin been struck. The Bangor show is also heading down this road and for me was a major let down this year. Their attitude of rejecting OO layouts and only wanting N gauge so that they can cram in more traders is the wrong way to go. Both these clubs that run these shows should take a long hard look at how the Dublin Clubs run their shows as for me the SDMRC and the MRSI are streets ahead of any one else North and South of the border when it comes to running shows. Roll on October when we will all have some great Irish layouts to look forward to and also the release of the 071's at the show. Also a big Thank you to the MRSI and to Dave Bracken and Dave Mirrolo for taken the time to send and operate an Irish layout at the Carrick show any of this web sites members that were there really appreciated having a beautiful little Irish layout to look at and enjoy.
  7. Great to see all the guys from the site yesterday and today. For those of you who missed the show don't worry you didn't miss a lot as it was a very poor turnout. Maybe time to have this show once every 2 years.
  8. He has passed every drug test he has taken throughout his career and has never failed one END OF!!!
  9. No problem Brian if you have any problems or ain't to sure let us know.
  10. That's correct they can take up to 24v AC/DC If you use the laptop charger you don't need a CDU as the charger has more than enough power
  11. If you read my post at the top of the page I have explained how to do it and what you will need I have also included some links for you. DO NOT wire your point motor power intakes to your DCC bus wire. Also the 12v DC controller you intend using may not have enough power. As I said read my post and if you have any more questions let us know
  12. Here is the system I use and how its wired Get yourself one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LAPTOP-CHARGER-FOR-ACER-ASPIRE-3680-3690-5720-5920-5315-/270741497417?pt=UK_Computing_LaptopAccessories_PowerSupplies&hash=item3f09736649#ht_4415wt_1271 Your point motors will take up to 24v DC/AC the more power you can fire up the bum of your point motor the better it will work. Remember that if you hold the switch for more than a second it will burn out your point motor this will also happen even with a CDU installed. Cut the plug of the end of the laptop charger (the end that goes into the computer) take the red wire from your laptop charger and solider it to the middle prong of you switch. Here is a link to the switches you will need http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221044262133?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_500wt_1288 The 2 outside prongs on your switch connect to A and B on your point motor The black wire from your laptop charger connects to C on your point motor You won't need a CDU with a laptop charger as its powerful enough to throw 4 points at once from the one switch
  13. But what are you using to power your points. The Gaugemaster only powers your track
  14. Forget about the 0 volt wire and the 12 volt wire as its confusing you what they mean by this is the wires that go to A,B,C from your power source that you are using to power your points. As for connecting D and E to the bus wire or rail it makes no difference as its one of the same. The only thing you need to watch out for is that you connect D and E to the correct Bus wires otherwise you will short the system out. BTW what are you using to power your points
  15. Sorry to hear that Seamus our thoughts are with you.
  16. The Seep PM1 is a great little point motor. I've installed several of these on my layout and at £4 each from Hattons you can't go wrong. They also have a built in polarity switch. They will need to be centred when fitting check this link out on how to do this. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/15405-mounting-point-motors-headache-free/ The clothes peg is the best option and the one I used. A and B both go to your switch positive C goes to your negative D goes to your left rail E goes to your right rail F goes to the point frog (electrofrog point)
  17. Photoshop
  18. Are those trains hauling tara mines or beat bit confused as the video is on the Wexford line. Did the tara's travel that far south?
  19. I have to agree with you boss that's a cracking deal
  20. Yep have to agree its the best way
  21. I seen you. I was talking to Paddy and Dartstation and turned round to go over and talk to you and you were gone.
  22. I'm looking forward to following your progress on the new builds
  23. Paddy was saying that the first 3 to be released in October are 071 and 082 in Black and Silver freight livery and NIR 112
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