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Everything posted by richrua

  1. I must say Nelson you have a real skill in painting and weathering. I think I saw these spoil wagons on one of the Irish Railway dvds?
  2. Very nice. I was thinking of trying one of these brass kits. Are they tricky? Do you have to solder them together?
  3. delighted with the respray. was worth the effort.
  4. i might wear a badge next time! i had no idea who anyone was!
  5. Yes I was there with the youngest lad. Great day out!
  6. I know .... I thought about wandering up to people and introducing myself, but being a quiet enough type I didn't! It was good to see so many people interested! I forgot to nip back and buy a bottle of that A Class Real Ale!!!!
  7. Yep. I was there too. Great day out. Super to see all of the locos and hear all for real.
  8. cool . i will be there. You ll know me as i am a baldy ginger fella with a good chance of having a couple of children hanging out of him.
  9. is it on all day ? i could make it but not till about 3 o clock
  10. i wonder would the St Paddy body be worth anything? these are the railroad range but dcc ready. actually pretty good for 40 quid. perfect for AClass . thanks to enniscorthy man fir the advice
  11. thanks noel btw!
  12. I am going to convert my Silver Fox A class to dcc using this as the chassis. As recommended by enniscorthy man. The lima chassis motor i got was so poor compared to modern machines. what a difference 30 years makes! Almost seems a shame to chop this one. it is in good nick for a second hander.
  13. yes i was looking at the hornby ones. To me the 071 should come with sound on board. They have everything else!
  14. a few pics of the elink system . upside down.
  15. i give up. the first pic is the right way up here. when i post it flipped. so i rotated it here and posted again and now it is mirror image ....
  16. bit of work on the dcc conversion.
  17. lol
  18. No, not a sound bag of chips, but the other kind. Now that I have managed to make a leap of thirty years from dc to dcc, I am a bit disappointed that sound chips are so dear. It is great that the 071 s come with a pre-installed speaker. Good idea - saves us a bit of hassle. I wonder will the next batch of locos come with on board sound? seems like a logical step. I would say that an 071 or 201 with pre-installed sound would sell very well, especially if the cost was a wee bit lower than separate sound chip and loco.
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