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Everything posted by richrua

  1. Thank you. It runs grand . I need to squash the weights back in though because it is too light on its feet at the mo. I have only run on dc. I have a chip for it and will dcc test it later and let you know how it does at slow speeds etc. Was a cheap eBay purchase - there are a good few 73 s about. the 73 body wasn't perfect so that knocked it down a bit, but I will never use the body so I don't care!
  2. Totally. I hope to sound up a couple of 141s and an a class . I don't know how to do sound to an a class yet although I did upgrade it to an dcc chassis recently
  3. Yea man it is kind of inevitable... !!! Weirdly though I am finding that since I have been dcc , a small section of my layout plus three chipped locos seems to keep me happy rather than vast runs in circles. Something to do with the control stuff...
  4. Now this is a superb idea for Irish railway modellers. Shows it can be done. http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/page/74/DJ_Models_Class_71_Project
  5. Yea I think it is kind of odd that these type of buildings don't get longer runs? Surely they would sell these over many many years. Jesus , hornby were selling the same signal box, goods shed and engine shed for 40 years.....and they were toy models .....
  6. Brilliant thanks for the info dhu varren. I haven't seen three steam locos like that before.
  7. I voted already ,!!! Get in .
  8. Jesus I am scared to try that. looks class though
  9. Fabulous clips. Thanks Nelson. the 'triple header' jeeps (?) is something I've never seen in any old footage of any steam locos. So, because I like the unique railway things of our little island I might have to bash myself three jeeps from something now....
  10. working on a silver fox c class. Developing a real liking for these kits. Once upon a time i would never have taken a saw to any model trains, but now i just chop away. I am using the class 73 as it is dcc ready. This involves chopping a lump out of the middle and also wittling down the cab a bit. Also removing buffer beams. I left the old body there to give an idea of former size.
  11. ok thanks folks. i ve never tried a sound loco being only a recent convert to dcc itself.
  12. just a quick novice question. To what extent if at all are sound chips automatic ? for example, if i power forward do the engine noises automatically come on or do they need to be switched on everytime?
  13. http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/product/40511/44178_Bachmann_Scenecraft_Traction_Servicing_Depot kernow have the double road version. i couldnt see the single but they might be able to help.
  14. Yeah I think you're right with the lack of communication thing - as mentioned by those above. First rule of any business really - communication.... Perhaps the second rule - don't sell stuff you don't have! I grew up in Dublin and when I pop home to see mam It is an absolute pleasure that I can pop into the basement in Hawkins St and browse and buy. Often leaving with different stuff to what I went in for!!! I even remember the shop upstairs in D'Olier st. Now, back then a business just would not last without simple, straightforward customer service.
  15. Pity the little shop is closed now. It was handy for me on way home from work. I certainly found it useful to pick up handy little items like paints and, small track sections, flexitrack and fishplates without having to pay big extra postage like most online shops. Oh well. Hopefully they can stabilise on the web . good luck.
  16. I used a paper backed polystyrene sheeting as underlay before ballasting. It comes on a large roll for insulating a wall before papering it. It has several advantages. 1. A suitable depth of 2 or three mm raises the track nicely. 2. It has sound insulating qualities. 3. the paper backing makes it easy to work with / accepts glue and paint. 4. Super cheap compared to cork / foam etc. I then used a noch ballast spread using the little clear ballast spreader from ... cant remember the name now. will dig up a pic. V. Happy with results.
  17. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/230937391836?nav=SEARCH on that same page. at first glance i thought this was a c class
  18. That is an amazing paint job. Mine is dodgy looking by comparison!
  19. I had the same problem . Enniscorthyman recommended the chassis you mentioned. I got a dcc version on ebay for under £40. more or less new. if you search ebay for Class 55 railroad st. paddy . I have mine running now and it is 100 times better than the lima one i tried first.
  20. tried fixing. hold on
  21. upside down
  22. Super work with lots of potential in the future. Plenty of busy sidings! Making me have a rethink! Well done.
  23. Great tips lads. Thank you very much. Once the kids conk out I might try em out. Although I also have actual real work to do .... the eternal struggle of conscience...
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