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Everything posted by richrua

  1. So they do so they do.
  2. beaganin Gaeilge...
  3. Lol ... Very good
  4. Wow. That is great. The bogie flats are awful tempting. Always look good in a rake . Would I be right to say they have had a long running period too ? That would allow use with various livery locos ?
  5. Once again the forum saves my bacon! I chilled out and made a little list. I think it is because there are so many aspects to this hobby it is easy to be pulled in different directions. It has it all really. Creativity, art, craft, electronics, maths, physics, history, reading, digital programming, photography....
  6. Sometimes I think I am really useless at this. I have so many nearly finished bits lying about. I always seem to jump from one thing to another.
  7. Ah ok thanks I missed all that
  8. incredible. Unbelievable detail
  9. cool thanks v mu h for the link
  10. Is the finished livery orange with black stripe ! any chance!
  11. yes thats it and thats the number too. thanks.
  12. Hello. I am considering a model of a Dutch steam van. Are there any suitable shortish chassis that might suit ? I plan to build the body myself but a suitable chassis would help.
  13. I saw a 201 at york rd today with a different livery . appeared silver with a thick black stripe. Was driving so no photo! Whats the story with the livery ?
  14. cool. someday....
  15. Fair enough thanks. Quite impressive range there that I didn't realise.
  16. Just reading the other thread about the rumours of a repainted class 08 from Silverfox. Lead me to wonder why silver fox or Murphy have not produced a freight model , irish outline of course. I know there are a few cottage industry lads here producing kits, but is there any reason why Silverfox wouldn't do a resin cement bubble or a beet wagon.
  17. World Cup team for 2010 who lost to France at the play off stage ... Thanks to that handball
  18. That is kinda cool. I think Kernow were considering a model of bulleids leader. So you never know on the turf burner... ugly thing though.
  19. ...smell of turf perhaps!!! My cutting mat is in such a state because it acts as a portable modelling table!!!
  20. great idea for the chimney pots. many thanks ! ☺
  21. I'm happy enough to shunt away with a 141
  22. And now my little irish people have somewhere to live and a shop, as well as the bar... Just some details like boards and gutters. And a name above the door.
  23. Fair enough lads. Didn't know any of that!
  24. Wow. Great tutorial on building a chassis. Many thanks. Great work
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