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Everything posted by richrua

  1. How do folks. Been away and on my travels came across these three Bell containers second hand, in Glasgow. Who makes these ? Didnt realise they were available . They are quite detailed.
  2. This is an informative video many thanks
  3. it may well be rare but you could make a better one yourself with a can of grey primer and some weshty decals
  4. hey Roxyguy stick up the oranmore footage pleeeeaaaaasseee!
  5. That is incredible. Also, without intention of sounding too sentimental, that is a lovely station with a tidy little signal box.
  6. Wired up some wee lights this eve. don't ever lean on a soldering iron while crawling about beneath the base board.
  7. cant make it folks sorry. Family stuff. Wonderful opportunity and thanks for the invite :-)
  8. So I had a little fun with LEDs tonight. These little yokes are right up there with the invention of the wheel. Almost unbreakable long lasting tiny bulbs that only need a smidgen of power. I wired some in parallel to fit under my little street. Then I had a stab at planting an led in a C class silver fox. Here it is below working off the chip as a "headlight" on my NCE powercab system. I might just have it as a cab light for now before I drill tiny holes in the body there. Very pleased it actually worked!!!
  9. Very nice Broithe that could be the next attempt!
  10. Really great stuff as always ! Enjoy the summer
  11. While checking out the corgi scammel In CIE Livery I came across this http://www.memorylanelimerick.com/p743747762/h46E53B#h46e53b I love the "A good tip, use CIE" LOGO on the tipper truck... It really is brilliant.
  12. http://www.ehattons.com/21905/Corgi_Trackside_inc_Lledo_Diecast_Vehicles_DG148019_C_Scammell_Scarab_stepframe_trailer_CIE_/StockDetail.aspx CIE scammel lorry. Not sure if it is an accurate model, but I got one anyway! http://www.memorylanelimerick.com/p743747762/h46E53B#h46e53b
  13. very very useful list. thanks
  14. yes it seemed to drain the current on that occasion. previously it didnt but there must be a reason . . . more figuring out. it is maybe the speaker which has now been replaced in the newer version of the chip. At that money i didnt mind a little trial in DCC sound. They had three on for that price but i only got one.
  15. Like the wee vans. Very nice.
  16. I cannot take credit for the one on the left. It is just bachmann The Ould house pub renamed . The other one I built myself to go with it. Many thanks. I do a lot of my railway stuff on the kitchen table, the layout is in the attic, so no good light. The kitchen table has been spared a hammering by that mat!
  17. Sound not great on vid http://youtu.be/hGHFZBX7-VQ I should also be able to turn the speaker up in the cv. Still learning.
  18. https://youtu.be/QzrE5eY_mvM
  19. I ll stick one up later. There are a load of US steam sounds plus a set of sounds from an american EMD SD38 . By one of those nice co-incidences that loco has a similar engine to the converted A class . So it might nearly sound good. The horn is wrong though.
  20. That is great !
  21. Yes will do. Thanks
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