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Everything posted by richrua

  1. Told yez all already. Take your time. I am skint!
  2. Lovely shots there
  3. I see hattons are closing the shop in Liverpool and moving the lot to the warehouse. There's no public transport link to the new warehouse shop. Pity that. When i got the boat to the Liverpool games I would often get a bus up to hattons to kill an hour. No chance now its a taxi job !
  4. been considering a change to kadee myself.
  5. take your time with the bubble. I'm skint !
  6. That is really really useful thanks v much
  7. Once again, thanks. DCC chip is wired in. Tomorrow I might test a little spray. I have a tin of Tank Grey but I think it is slightly too dark.
  8. http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/locomotives/loco186.htm Lovely thing really. It is a ripe age too, they don't build em like that anymore. ! I note the front appears slightly darker - would this have applied to the k class locos too ?
  9. thanks guys. I will probably go for that darkish grey. seems the simplest. probably try to weather it up too
  10. Thanks very much Mike
  11. I picked up this N class for a very reasonable price. The task is to convert it to the Irishy one and also To DCC while I am at it. I can do the DCC conversion no bother, but need help with the Irishising. I know the two deflector plates have got to go, but any advice on what else? Also, livery advice would be great as I can't seem to find many pics of this loco in Ireland.
  12. fair play to you all. it will be great to get 'em!!!
  13. very good Broithe lol
  14. v nice drawing. If I can get the sheckles together I will get one more set I think.
  15. my goodness it is incredible to look at
  16. also, scalescenes and the like do downloadable brick and arch sets etc. I found making arches in card tricky, to be honest. Have a practice or two. Maybe attempt a smaller item you need first such as a signal cabin or work shed etc ? there are loads of preformed plastic sheets available in corrugated and clapboard siding that would be a big help to you building the big shed.
  18. The Kinscourt branch was spared passenger closure by an upturn in passenger numbers sparked by subsidised commuter fares from Kinscourt into Dubin. (Well,in my world anyway...)
  19. Finally got a chance to do a bit on the Layout. Here is the Kingscourt branch. I did some ballasting and built a little ramp for the gypsum lorries.
  20. Marvellous news on the immenent arrival of a 121. Or two.. Just showed herself the link... For Chrimbo prezzzie 2016 !!!!!! . However, I do often think about workers rights in China ... And 1916 of course.... And you know.... Let's not moan on too much about a delayed model train
  21. richrua


    Mr . Glenderg, many many congrats,. Fair play and I hope the missus and baby are all good!!!!
  22. Nollaig shona dhaoibh go léir!
  23. yesssssssssssssssssss coybig
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