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Everything posted by richrua

  1. A lot to digest there! It seems like a perfectly acceptable fix to me. I appreciate that your priority is a highly accurate model.
  2. wow, what an absolute beauty of a model. great shots Leslie!
  3. The scenes at the goods yard are very entertaining. The video is excellent and makes me wish for longer runs with gentle sweeping curves.
  4. Seems OK over the points but is jumpy on a short curve . I will look at the bogies and check theyre level.
  5. I did a little scenic work on this area at last. It is to be a more urban location leading to a dock container area. Then I ran a Bell liner through. I will eventually replace the non prototypical HO flats with more of weshtys flats. Video link https://youtu.be/4VLsh0hHI3Y
  6. Thanks folks. Hi David. I just used super glue but the gel type which is a great invention! I would admire anyone who had the skill to solder a brass kit!
  7. A quick spray,not positive about colour it is brown undercoat then tamiya red brown, then the wagon was released
  8. A nice looking model indeed!
  9. I'd say an hour each night the last couple of days. Probably 3-4 hours I reckon
  10. Not quite perfect but I am happy enough for a first try. Nice kit. A couple of the side bracket block dooffers to go back on and a quick spray . Oh and I'll need to grab some NEM couplers.
  11. This evening the little anchor points boxes along the sole bar proved fiddly. But I got there. Bogies to do tomorrow!
  12. Hi folks. Thanks for the advice. Between weshtys great instructions and glendergs guide here, Things are ticking along nicely. I think.
  13. I am intrigued that the cement bubbles are at 85% . will it be necessary for me to sell some camels sooner than I expected ???
  14. Looks great folks. A grand endeavour and almost there now!
  15. Having a go at a 42' bogie flat from Studio Scale Models/Weshty. May have bitten off more than I can chew but I ll give it a whirl
  16. Curses! Here's me keeping quiet and saving up for 121 s and there's that lovely shot of 071 and now I want a CIE livery 071!!
  17. It was the gypsums for me too for my attempt at Kingscourt but I decided I wouldn't mind the ballast markings, being not the most precise modeller anyways. Perhaps as budget allows I may convert some or order them in that guise if they come available.
  18. Well it definitely makes it harder already to buy from euro suppliers. Just from the exchange rate point of view. Which is really annoying for Belfast living folk as we are devoid of a decent model railway shop.
  19. Hi Weshty have you some 42 flat kits in stock ? I fancy a go.
  20. incredible
  21. if still available i'll take the containers
  22. same age as me , those 071 s
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