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Everything posted by richrua

  1. Working on the brake Bredin.
  2. Very good. Love it.
  3. Oops. I just realised I made a livery error. I also have the generator van sides which I know only came into use in the 70s so if I keep this one green then I can't run them together. .. what gen van was used with the early livery Bredin?
  4. The roof vents are just the ones that come with the dapol coach. Trimmed a bit. They're not perfect but ok. Had to make two with sprue as there was not enough.
  5. Hi david. It is a can of spray called plastkote garden green. Not a great model spray but only thing I could get. Yes indeed dive controller. The kit will do me for now. I quiteblike it. Funny enough I would never bother putting lights in a rtr coach , but because this was a conversion job I fiugured I'd give it a go . I'm gonna add another led and the stripe and number of course.
  6. I have been reading the IFM coaches thread on the other page with interest. I think another benefit of the many smaller suppliers of kits and models is the sheer variety, which led me to carriages that I didn't know anything about. By the kit for the Bredin sides being available I learnt a lot about the history of these carriages .plus having fun building it of course. Anyway, I decided to try to add a light strip , it didn't quite work with only one led but I'll add another. I made up a small battery box that sits under the carriage and holds two small round watch type batteries. The batteries are available these days from the pound shops in packs of 20. Anyway, it was fun.
  7. Super weathering there Noel
  8. Nice . Great atmosphere and a refreshing change of rolling stock. I must finish my wooly with decals, I could run a similar mixed train
  9. Very careful work there
  10. Very very nice
  11. Carriage shaped at least.
  12. Thanks John ! I've filled in the wee holes for a start. I have your notes, which are excellent by the way, just looking to be careful to get roof right. Thanks!
  13. Finally trying my jm design Bredin coaches. This one is the standard one . Need a little help with the roof details if anyone could advise. Lovely fine brass overlays these. I hacked up a dapol coach kit as the donor coach.
  14. My my my. Great work. Fair play to you.
  15. Great stuff. A good reminder of how many different trains could be run. The black and silver 071 is really well weathered.
  16. Good laugh ! Reminded me that I have a half finished deltic upstairs too...
  17. richrua

    new layout

    how come?
  18. Really enjoyed that video!
  19. richrua


    Tremendous layout of Burtonport, Donegal and a really detailed article in Jan 2017 Railway Modeller. Fabulous stuff. Lots of good detail, history, intriguing buildings and how it was built. Good stuff check it out.
  20. I walked a fair bit of the Ballycastle line. Long long gone , but there is the odd gatepost here and there.
  21. You could also add a set of points to the end to allow the engine to run around the train . That way you have a choice of pulling in locomotives first or pushing
  22. Yeah. It sort of takes in two unnecessary tight turns at the mo. I'll have the outer line realigned along g the same line. Something bothers me about it. Plus I'll be able to put in a better looking platform . Thanks
  23. Bit of advice needed. I was looking at this corner and thinking of realigning the track to take out the double curve . The possible new line is loosely left on top to give an idea. Worth the effort or will I just leave it as it is ?
  24. Very nice Kieran . Reminded me of how much variety is possible when choosing stock for an Irish themed railway. I also really like your trackwork. What ballast do you use ? The station area is brilliant. The flagstones are amazing.
  25. More detail that I would ever know was there !! Underframe is mighty. That'll do me. Tell the factory guys to go ahead with my ones. Lol.
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