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Everything posted by richrua

  1. Thanks Noel, I haven't been on much lately. Very busy, but have been following the progress on your spray and 121 jobs. V. Nice indeed.
  2. Yes - I have 3 braces across on the back to ensure rigidity, with the 'open' join braced on the back at the join. It is unusual in the sense that it is more like a box to let me fold it over onto itself, rather than the mdf on top of the supports. I will fix the track direct to the baseboard at the join I think, with a little underlay to create a shoulder for the ballast.
  3. Hi folks. I've been having some shoulder and neck problems for a while now and I am not sure if there's a connection, but I'm taking a break from the attic for a while. It isn't quite tall enough for me to sit/stand comfortably. Also, I really want to see the models in daylight ! Not giving up the attic forever , I've put a lot of work in. Just trying this different. Basically the best place I have now is under the couch in the back room. The layout needs to be less than 3.5" high in order to slide under for storage. All buildings etc will have to be removable to be stored in a box, also I plan to have short trains in little storage cassettes. It is a small shunting type layout but I am pleased to date. It will also mean I am downstairs near the family more ! My only question concerns the join. I was going to underlay the track, but I was thinking that at the baseboard join it might make it harder to keep the track aligned once I've cut through. Underlay or not?
  4. That is very crisp and really well detailed. Super job all round!
  5. you know, I like building kits. Find it relaxing, so I don't think I'd like ALL RTR anywho
  6. Hey man. I might not comment much these days but I always enjoy your stuff. Take it handy now won't you ?
  7. Ah. Good point.
  8. I've resprayed a few things without stripping . They seem to come out grand without detail loss etc. Is stripping always necessary, I ponder ?
  9. Very nice job there Noel
  10. That's brilliant. The boards look so realistic. Only sea weathered boards look like that !!!
  11. Wow. Brilliant buildings
  12. Super. I am envious of the natural light. I'm considering a very small layout downstairs that could be stashed away. Would love to see the models in Natural light I think.
  13. Looks great. I do like those kits. Don't have one of the little flats yet though.
  14. Ha!the cartoon is funny! The scene is excellent too mind you.
  15. Yea my friends brother used to work for Ryanair as a technician . Now he works in Dublin in an aeroplane leasing company. He told me all about it at a stag do a couple of years ago. Apparently it is big business and has generated a lot of jobs here - not just a tax write off thing at all apparently.
  16. That's a very good job and we'll described Noel!
  17. Really crisp, patient job. Well done Noel
  18. I popped by aswell. Fantastic detailing on these models. Nice lads. Well done - it was well worth the investment! So nice to have such a good looking irish wagon train !!! Detailed notes and special offer included ! Sighs happily...
  19. First shots of the sparkly new IRM ballast wagons. Had a chat with the lads today.They are fabulously detailed. They really add to the layout. So glad I invested ! A particularly shiney 146 (must've had a lick of paint and fresh logo) pulls the ballasts. Old Bell containers behind in the yard.
  20. Gave the brass a quick rub with a damp cloth (lint free) . The finished article looks better with your duck test , Noel, rather than the extreme closeup above!
  21. A ploughvan, Just in the nick of time! Now, it's first job is to pick up some ballasts!
  22. Excellent. I can't wait !
  23. Hi Noel it's the dapol prestwin chassis , 12ft, which comes with the SSM kit. I used super glue. The primer is plastikote grey primer which seems to work well on brass (it is not acrylic though and is very smelly).
  24. All in grey. Looks nice mind you. Really enjoyed building this kit. I might do another in grey but this is just an undercoat. As you can see its not perfect (due to my modelling skills) but I am pleased nonetheless. Luckily any I've seen of these in yellow are both well looked after but also a bit beat up too. I am going to give it the good weathering . Try out the humbrol rust powder.
  25. How on earth do you work those plastic card angles so well!
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