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Everything posted by richrua

  1. Wowwwwww
  2. Time flies eh ? Good work.
  3. In anticipation of the ballasts I started putting together this ssm ploughvan. Quick question folks regarding the side lamps. The instructions say later versions of this van did not have the side lamps. What date ish would these later vans be ?
  4. Wow. That's marvellous.
  5. Good good. I plan to be at the Bangor show but may not be 100 % able to. Should I let you know a couple of days before ?
  6. Hi paddy the C class is a Silver Fox kits body on a hornby class 73 chassis (shortened, dcc) .
  7. Thanks lads . I whipped up that corner already and re aligned it. There was a slight kink in the track where there was too much pressure on the flexitrack anyway so I had to do it or never run a through train at full belt. I added a passing loop but it is slightly before that section and then again after. I should be able to have a six carriage train stationary and maybe a goods freight pass it now. I am slowing down and being more careful with decisions. Good running is essential to me It really frustrates me when I have derailment or power problems. I just like to run trains !
  8. The weathered track is mighty. Plus the railcars are so unique . Great.
  9. I've been working away on a few areas. I discovered that I had really rushed the early days resulting in poor track work and a limited layout. I've decided to strip back a couple of places and lay the track patiently and properly. I don't have a great deal of time but I now realise that I'll enjoy it more if I do it well and a little at a time. I stripped off some terrible ballast . I'll re use it as wagon loads perhaps. I made up a new bridge which will cover a deep glen .
  10. I never realised British n gauge was also a botch job like oo. Surely it didn't need to be as the excuse for OO was that the motors wouldn't fit, I Believe, ??
  11. The skill in that is out of this world
  12. Incredible info for modellers, as always!
  13. Yes I will commit to get one too. Looks like an interesting prototype too.
  14. Oh oh .... now where did I put those emails !!! Can't wait now. I should've built a brake ... but I was planning on letting on they were for gypsums . But now I see them I don't know !! All good and glad I invested at he start.
  15. Is there any scope at all for a removable fiddle yard or cassettes containing different trains? This way a train could vanish out your bridge, giving the illusion of travel, to be replaced by something different shortly after and as signalling allows.
  16. Hi noel did you ever find out a good green paint for bredin type coaches in flying snail livery ?
  17. That's a very very sharp job. Well done Noel.
  18. I am experimenting with a simple plastic strip added. I need to complete the interior first though before finalising the roof, as it will need to be glued on more or less permanently.
  19. Hi Noel . It's an overlay from Mayner that fits the really cheap (but good too for the money ) dapol stanier 60ft kits. I really like the overlay. Very fine . Makes up easily enough. Always Enjoyable making up an Irish object through semi-scratchbuilding. They are a nice looking carriage too.
  20. Thanks. Looking for some decals. I wonder does weshty do them lads ?
  21. Working on the Bredin Brake.
  22. I see them most days on way home from work .If only I could stop on the motorway for some pics. They are in good nick. I would say about a month or two ago they were either repainted or cleaned very thoroughly.
  23. Very nice indeed. I know a "woolie" pulling them is perhaps fanciful, but was it possible time wise ?
  24. So my Bredin bgsv needs to be black and tan era. The other bredins can be green but with a little tin Van added. I was going to pull them with my wooly. Suitable ? (Not the bgsv of course - I can use that in a cravens train )
  25. Great stuff guys!thanks for the info
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