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Everything posted by richrua

  1. What a great pity that is.
  2. Churning out another one...
  3. Really great work. It is very realistic. How is the rust done?
  4. Thanks lads. Been trying to get time to fit in a bit of work. It seems to get harder these days!
  5. My CIE H van from Leslie and provincial wagons. I ran out of a bit of Matt varnish just to finish it off. Happy though!
  6. Hi Dive man. The darkness is disguising the reality. Most of the containers are a poor card printout I knocked up. Not v good and over scale. The others are crail which are great. I am gradually replacing the card ones with crail. Also the bogie wagons are ho American flats. Cheating but were cheap!!!. Was hoping to replace them over time too.
  7. The bell liner is double headed by two 071 locomotives. Passing through town at twilight. https://youtu.be/QYLGk6jJXB0
  8. My treat from Raheny show was one of the neat CIE vans from Leslie. I also picked up some really nice Street lights from Dave's modelrail baseboards.com and a reefer bell container for my bogie flat.
  9. That's great info !
  10. 1977 to today is a good spread of possible locomotives liveries to pull them too !
  11. Can you pay on the drip for the bubbles lads?
  12. Christ I wish I wasn't skint.
  13. Good job folks . . .
  14. So there is brillo !
  15. richrua

    Price Rising.

    Plus with the rises in fuel and every other thing made outside the U.K. Those of us who live in sterling zone will have a lot less free cash.... I hate the brexit camp sooooo much
  16. I am almost sure I was at that - age ten. I begged my mum to bring me out. I remember queuing up outside and some of the layouts. I bought some telegraph poles with my pocket money. I wrote about it in school the week after ... 4th class Mr. Murphy ... which tallies with the date of the video.
  17. Thanks Jason. That'll do . I have 222 so I will use it . It'll look good.
  18. Grand thanks. I smell my next project attempt.
  19. So I could use 222 with a push pull ?
  20. Simple question: What locomotives were assigned to the push pull mk3 set in ir/ie era ?
  21. https://youtu.be/zQ4m2MHS3ws A quick video.A little dark. It didn't seem as dull when I recorded it.
  22. It's hideously ugly really, but therein lies part of its trainy beauty. Might try a scratch build over the winter. It must've been difficult to drive- the vision dosen't look great.
  23. Ah decisions decisions
  24. Ooooo that's a good looking controller! Very kinaesthetic!
  25. One would imagine that this would be the best (or only) place for asking highly technical questions about Irish EMD locos.. It is wrong to mock those who do . They might stop asking and then all the discussion ends
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