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Everything posted by richrua

  1. signal cabin is a beaut. so well looked after. does anyone know if Kingscourt ever had a Cattle Dock ? ... been tempted now to add a little more interest
  2. thanks folks. one does try indeed. A few gypsum (ballast) wagons are going to look good trailing through there soon enough
  3. . I was in London last week and got a chance to pop into ian Allen's shop. Picked up a copy of this excellent book of trackwork.
  4. From a vantage point above on the road, some young fella captured a short cravens train led by 190, passing the crossing on the Kings court branch. https://youtu.be/p6Uj6rrppV0
  5. if still available I will take the locomotives and Rollin Stock of cie nir 1987 e15
  6. those are absolutely amazing. Would love to try that myself. The lining is very intricate.
  7. A little Saturday evening job. I made up these crossing gates in the style of those from the Kings court video from Colm O Callaghan , YouTube. Happy enough with them. Fiddly wee job.
  8. There is a lot more railroad in the latest series, which is good
  9. Did you make the ends on a lathe ?
  10. It is a really good match for the prototype ; super
  11. this little chap was my first train set. As you can see it is an identical loco to the Downton job. I will never forget how happy I was to get this from Santa. It was a battery set with three wagons and a circle of r605 track. I am still really grateful as my mam would have spent a fair bit and at that stage we didn't have much to spend. I still have it all, although as my model interest grew, I repainted the loco. I think you re right - these little sets are all the spark that is needed. Hornby are clearly too big now - too many balls in the air. They should simplify range and focus on train sets for Christmas, some railroad extras, and a top quality small range for the adults. I could be wrong, but I heard Bachman had bought the factory that made Hornby stock just to close it down - so they've been on the receiving end of the vicious side of business too, perhaps.
  12. 31p a share. hmmmm.
  13. it is a super job. love what you did to the carlow station.
  14. that rock face is very realistic indeed
  15. interesting project this one
  16. Glaringly obvious is the absence of signals. thats the next job so - building some signals
  17. yes the grey has really grown on me too
  18. Will do riversuir thanks. No skill involved really. It is a can of Halfords Rover Hurricane Grey . Was a very satisfying and simple conversion. Nice when it comes off well !!
  19. thank you. to be honest i thought it might work out too dark. happy meself. i wired a stay alive capacitor into the tender. I maybe need a snail and a number...
  20. Quiet scenes on the Kinscourt branch. A woolly is stationed in a siding awaiting preservation with a fresh coat of grey.
  21. thanks JHB . that is just the 'finishing touch' details i really need help with. mucho thankos !
  22. was a bit of a stab in the dark. Cant really get hobby sprays easily up here anymore. it is Halfords Rover Hurricane Grey. yes I thought it looked reasonably close to any colour photo i have seen.
  23. Here is my conversion, the easiest of all - N class br to K Class Irish. I didnt fix the smoke box door yet. Waiting for a flush of confidence. DCC Is in - was a non dcc version- i put a stay alive capacitor in the tender. Not bad for £38 plus £11 for decoder plus £7 for grey spray. Pleased thus far.
  24. Yes I think it looks good. Would like one . Big investment so I will ponder a bit longer.
  25. To be honest the shop itself was not much to write home about. It always was a mail order outfit long before tinterweb Just nice to put a real place to something. Also it was on the corner of Penny Lane ... Always good for the soul!
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