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Everything posted by richrua

  1. wow ! brilliant and a lovely scene too
  2. Thank you very much for the history of the line. I have only cobbled together a few photos and video clips from the web. The track plan is really helpful ! I intend to model both the odd loading ramp for the gypsum but also the later large shed and digger arrangement, It is too tempting not to do both!! I saw an old ordinance survey map with the brickworks marked but had no idea they ran trains out too. Even better,. For now, my trackwork will have to rely on settrack options, perhaps in the future I will try for more authentic lines . I picked kingscourt because it was just curiously odd and unique, but also offered quite a bit of interest train wise, thanjs again !
  3. Thank you all very much. To respond to a few - The bulleid corrugated wagons are Leslie's marvellous kits. Contact Leslie10646 on this forum if you like them ! i like your historical touch Leslie - it will look fantastic. John - I built the buildings myself as I couldnt find any suitable kits. I printed off stone sheets and brick sheets.I had to print the stone in black and white as the only stone that looked right was too yellow. I washed it over with very light black to tone it down and weather it. Roof is Wills slate sheet. If i was doing it again i would make a few improvements. Still needs a downpipe !!
  4. great. hope to be there !
  5. On the Kingscourt branch,190 is tasked with shunting a couple of gypsum hoppers. Some older bulleids are still in use on the line.
  6. welcome to the gang einstein. theres a great bunch here. Been an endless source of inspiration to me !
  7. Will do Glenderg! I will be adding a few details and making it a bit grubby. I intend to model it as "not in use" appearance; while the Station building will be well looked after as the passenger services survived (In my fictional world). Not too happy with the 'extension' on the goods shed so might rebuild it.
  8. really nice model of another unique Wagon. Are these available anywhere?
  9. thanks Kirley. Been working on the semi-derelict goods shed for kingscourt. It will need more work and the platform of course.
  10. By the way guys, before I ordered I had a little think and did some sums. My scratchbuilt hoppers (which are amateur look-the-part jobs) cost about £15 sterling just for the chassis, plasticard parts from evergreen, paint.dunno how much my time is worth! No decals yet either ... Sooooo ... Your Hoppers are very good value for a set of three high detail models. i cant wait to get them !!!
  11. So there's me attempting to put together a Kingscourt branchline representation in the attic, and there's you lot sorting me out with a load of RTR gypsum wagons. I built 2 from scratch myself already, added to the 6 I have just ordered on the drip will help me make up a nice rake. I know they are Ballast livery/marked , but were there any real differences between the gypsum wagon and the ballast wagon? Fair play to you lads - looks like a winner!
  12. thanks guys. JHB - great info thanks! I will probably be pretending a c class or 141 runs the v short passenger service
  13. richrua


    looks great ! big job that one !
  14. Hi everyone. I ve been working on this representation of Kingscourt Station building. I am set on a new branch line that will incorporate the gypsum yard and the station. I am going to use a little licence and run short passenger trains to the little station . (even though these stopped in the 40s i think) . it will give me plenty of running fun.
  15. interesting fact Broithe. One for the pub!!! theres no way i can keep my 121 savings unspent till 2017.... i really hope it is 2016
  16. Interesting read: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-34452980
  17. cool. That would work well with the slope of the eaves too. !
  18. thanks bosko and David . plenty to think about there. I am going to go for an extra couple of scenic sidings - seems a simple enough idea. I think i will also try the cassette option if i need more space. Most of my trains a fairly short anyway at the mo. Thanks folks.
  19. those ones really arent that far off my own efforts Lol!!! indeed
  20. I just had the best craic running a few engines , some light, some with coaches . Finally feel like I am getting places! I am now equally enthralled with my three 071 s as I am with the wee 141s. Something very solid about the 071s. Particularly like my weathered 073. Love the way it highlights the bogies and makes it look even chunkier. ho hum... is it possible to have a murphy model addiction !!! Also, i had set aside an area for a fiddle yard. Finally got around to putting the baseboard in place but now i really see a branch line!!!!! do i need a fiddle yard ? really ?
  21. what a great shot. Well done !
  22. the ha haaaaaaa was for the masking tape jobbo on the previous page.
  23. ha haaaa !!!!
  24. mine look like that . . . but i d never try to sell em !!!!
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