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Everything posted by Jawfin

  1. Hello there chaps, Would any of you fine gentlemen be able to inform me of the years each NIR 80 Class livery was introduced? On top of that, could anyone kindly give me the differences that were between refurbished and non-refurbished sets?
  2. Very interesting, JB - would grey locos with a snail on the tender have been fairly uncommon, then?
  3. Yes, sorry, Waterford and Tramore Very interesting - did they still bear D&K lettering or lining (if any)? I imagine that 48 in Cultra would be deemed, "Unprototypical," then?
  4. Nice pics - 2977, same as 2978, is owned by Án Post and is stored in Inchicore - the RPSI had 2119 but cut it up, not sure when Quite sure those 2 are the only ones left, not including full brakes etc. - any corrections on that?
  5. To contrast with NIR's Red Bull, would Irn Bru for W&T's firsts suffice - blue and orange?
  6. Thanks, all, found one of the coaches I was looking for on google maps Half a GNR bogie coach
  7. Howdy Out of interest, is anyone aware of any grounded bodies in the Dundalk-ish area?
  8. Great article - I imagine that the, "Mobile Office," refers to the Dargan Saloon, 47?
  9. Well they had 428 (currently in Dunsandle), 430 (which they soon cut up), the mighty 613, their CSET Ruston 148DS (damaged in a fire in 1990 that destroyed 3205 and 1923, cut up after in 2005 90's salvation and the removal of the rest of the other stock in 2004), and of course, 90, aquired from Mallow in 1987 and running on the mainline by September 1990, which is currently at Downpatrick along with 613. They also had MGWR steam crane 3M (Broadstone?) that I assume was cut up around the same time as the Ruston. I believe the only items of non-loco stock that survive are composite corridor 2159, (I think) a beet wagon, and the remains of a brake van and a tank wagon at Dunsandle. As well as this, GSWR plough 8472 is at Downpatrick as well. They had their own livery which was used on 613, 428, and I think the Ruston in the beginning - maroon all over with cream pick-outs and stripes (and lining? On the Ruston anyway, if it did carry it) - as well as, "Overhead Wires," warning stickers. Some of their coaches were turned out in their own fantastic livery too - the same maroon with cream window surrounds, which went to all-red to cover brake compartments, like on 3205 (tailboard were diagonally striped black/white) It'd be great if 2159 carried it. One or two of their green coaches had full yellow ends too - not as attractive, really Sorry, someone else can inform you better on coaches and dates!
  10. 1962 Ford Zephyr (?) engine in them, not too sure. There's a little information sheet about them on the Wickham at Downpatrick under overhaul, "Rosie," I'll get a picture of it for you soon. 9 seats, it appears, and the driver's seat looks to be in a funny position. The one in the, "New," shed at Downpatrick carries numbers, so it's probably 8917, as previosuly said. Interestingly, at least part of it's currently in a very worn undercoat-y pink... I have heard that another one of them is at Moyasta, anyone able to confirm this?
  11. Howdy Out of interest, can anyone confirm the approximate period or livery of this photo of 92? The caption describes it as Inchicore 1932, but it doesn't appear to be wearing an applicabe livery for the period. On that case, what livery is it wearing? Was it not olive green (which it appears to maybe be in, but that would have meant skipping nearly 30 years worth of liveries - unless the date is wrong, of course), then lined black, then grey? I think it looks rather like 90's Fermoy/Mallow one, minus the loony plates, but was that not, "fictional"? On another note, anyone have any idea on what the cylinder on the roof of the coach section is, or the lump behind it (not the torpedoes, I mean)? Maybe the former was to do with lighting? And any ideas on the second pipe on the front? I would imagine not for steam heating, I think WR fitted 90's themselves - which itself is very low slung... Thanks
  12. Thanks very much lads, my selective blindness of the obvious has gotten the better of me
  13. Howdy all, Just wondering if anyone knows what the round thing on this K3's tender is? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ireland-irish-railway-private-postcard-dublin-inchicore-station-/400767431212?pt=UK_Collectables_Postcards_MJ&hash=item5d4f99b22c
  14. Blade off thon from some cutting machine off a farming-magig - allegedly had the ability to cut through telegraph poles, let alone a few stray twigs Nice pics, Tony
  15. Good-ish news about the livery I wonder how badly that Brown Van under frame will have to be butchered for it..? At least we'll probably have a spare one after (*ahem* ) the BCDR van is done How, "badly," rebuilt would it be? I mean, as in light rebuild, surely not a 47M butchering job?
  16. Thanks very much - sorry I haven't replied recently! I've asked around a bit more at Downpatrick, and have been told that the UR livery would have looked something like this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t35.0-12/10172349_10152695236854838_1246215306_o.jpg?oh=8cb1e69a83bbd8f9d570ac095333e144&oe=533E41BF&__gda__=1396587867_4dde7ba7b079eaab85ada06c354f8d48 Not as good as I had hoped, but not as bad as it could be - black, or certainly blue, sounded better The Great Northern alternative, which wouldn't be my favourite livery, would probably be best - it would match the coach in its most recent service condition, as you said, and it would guarantee that it would be prototypical. It would be a shame to overhaul (Err, if we ever get the money... ) such a historically important coach and get it wrong. Better safe than sorry etc... Would it have remained a first class coach for hire under GNR? I would think that it would have had a toilet, gas lighting, those sort of luxuries? Anything else?
  17. Thanks a lot, very interesting I've asked around at Downpatrick, and everyone I've asked so far doesn't know either - a shame that such a railway has been lost in history already And I'm not making a model, may I add A friend and I were discussing what would be best in our opinion to go into the workshop at Downpatrick after 69 is finished - we were thinking about 33, then came to this livery conundrum.
  18. Howdy Does anyone know what livery the Ulster Railway used on their coaches, No. 33 in particular? And did they use black locos? I'm pretty sure they did, but I just want to be sure.
  19. Looking great, David Sorry if I'm going OT, but the wind blew the tarp off the real railcar B, revealing much of the driving end Railcar B by Jawfin110, on Flickr I have some interior shots if you want them, but there isn't much left!
  20. Jawfin

    MK3 Scrapping

    Yep, the VSOE will be hauled by DH2 and DH3 after they return from Sri Lanka
  21. Yep, nice job! Shame about 227..!
  22. It seems to be based on the P&T type 7 It could easily pass off for an NIR one
  23. I think 111 and 112 have a train generator, while for some reason 113 doesn't? Any other minor differences like this?
  24. Sorry if I'm just spreading excrement everywhere as I usually do, but a friend of mine sent an email to IÉ and got a reply saying that they won't be refurbished in France (that's a start ), and it also implies that replacing the DDs with MK4 seems unlikely.
  25. Well done, the cab looks amazing! Way more recognisable as railcar B than the real one already!
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