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Hunslet 102

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Everything posted by Hunslet 102

  1. Scenery looking good Noel,the layout is coming on well and starting to take shape,like your NIR rake
  2. Thanks Kieran
  3. The etches look good Kieran,look forward to seeing your build of this iconic railcar. Is Allen going to be making it available on his site? Great pic of the railcar in my old stomping ground!!
  4. Looks good Raymond, I admire your patience and what you have achieved so far.The plastic gantries look fine to me. Enjoy the show on Saturday.
  5. Nailed it in one Kieran,many thanks
  6. Kieran,what's your verdict on the black beetle motors? Most of my railcars still have their original Lima pancake motors which are fine on my level layout,but as I intend getting railcars 6 and 7 in the future running as a 2 car set as they did on the GNR, do you think one would be powerful enough for that?
  7. Fantastic piece of modelling Kieran with a nice paint job to finish. Looking forward to seeing the proper sized K15 in the rake to fully complete the set,the photo certainly highlights the difference in heights. Your skills are getting better with each build,well done and a great choice of prototype,those railcars had character.
  8. They very nearly got their way. Government thought the railways were finished and road transport was the most viable way forward. Even the cross border traffic had descended to the farce of changing locomotives at Dundalk,albeit for different reasons,but another tool in the anti railway armoury. Benson's report fell short of full closure,had he recommended full closure I have no doubt it would have been implemented.
  9. Thanks for the comments guys,much appreciated. Trying to recreate the Belfast I grew up in from my youth has been a joy,especially the research that has led to some great photographs to work with and enjoy.
  10. Nice wagons Kieran,also like the Jinty,is it home made or an original?
  11. A start has been made on the town rebuild.Below is a photo of the progress to date.The street area still has to be tweaked,but a new addition is the school on the left hand of the town.This is a Bachmann model,but it bears a resemblance to the school I went to in Belfast,Fane Street secondary,so I feel it is a nice addition to the layout.Part of the new road bridge has been constructed,with retaining walls etc still to be added.
  12. As stated in the opening thread of the topic,there is a pic on page 48 of Irish Railways Past and Present by Michael Baker of a container train leaving Waterford with a brake van in August 1976. I lived beside Adelaide freight yard in the 70s and as container trains started to take over from loose coupled freight,brake vans could be seen on the odd container only trains heading back to Dundalk. Whether it was just for somewhere for the guard to sit or just a way of returning a brake van back to CIE I am not sure,but it did happen,although I have no pics
  13. Ahh right,your wagons are good,I remember seeing a rake of MIR cement wagons that really looked the part.
  14. I was at this show last year and met up with Kieran (Kirley) for the first time. Despite modelling for over 40 years,it is the one and only show I here ever attended in Ireland. I would highly recommend a visit,would love to have been able to make it this year,especially with the appearance of Bleach Green,but it will not be possible unfortunately.
  15. Ditto!! Raymond,are you the modeller from NI that built a lot of the stock that runs on Old Blarney?
  16. The signals are very authentic and realistic,the whole layout is shaping up to be a cracker,well done
  17. Nice work Noel,the new layout is coming on well,lots of nice touches starting to appear,keep it going
  18. Nice one David,well done.Is Old Blarney going to be the Perth layout at Falkirk in November?
  19. Looking good as always John
  20. Sounds good Kieran,look forward to their release,their demise was unfortunate. Sorry can't help with any photos, I have trawled through all my books but other than the small one on page 66 of Diesel Dawn,all the other photos are without the valance. I assume you have tried Colm for other material? A number of years ago I bought some great black and white railcar photos from I think, the Co Down trust, don't know if they are still around,but quite close to home for you to make enquiries if they are and if they can help
  21. Nice dock scene and great potential from the description for the other baseboards. Looking forward to seeing this one develop.
  22. Thanks Noel,only on the ends of the sleepers,never thought of that,nice one.
  23. Starting to take shape Noel,the station area is going to look good. What type of glue do you use for fixing the track?
  24. Great video Kieran and nice ballast wagons.Did I miss the build on these?,they don't seem familiar,although they look good,well done. Glad to see Kirley Junction looking as good as ever.
  25. Yes,movement at Tara Junction again.Great early evening scene Noel,would love to see the same scene when ballasting and detailing work have been completed!
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