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Everything posted by mmie353

  1. My bad will that be all new also or is there a choice going to be there?
  2. Is the option to change the theme gone from the US site? https://irishrailwaymodels.com/en-us It was there last night this morning, it is gone. I am not sure if I was on it or the Irish one last night or the US I was on
  3. Does all pre orders for UK stuff need to be placed on the Accurascale site or will we be eventually able to order them on the IRM site? I know I am looking at a couple of items on there that I hope to pre-order in the next couple of months.
  4. Looking at the new Bachmann mid year release over here -
  5. Well from Charleville, you would go to Mallow and from there, head for Killarney and as Broithe would from there to go Tralee. Not sure if you need to get on another train or not from Mallow to go to Kerry as I used to always head from Charleville towards Dublin if I was using the train.
  6. https://www.newcivilengineer.com/latest/contractors-wanted-to-restore-irish-railway-04-08-2022/#:~:text=The Limerick to Foynes railway,track and civil engineering infrastructure.
  7. I was keeping my eye on this loco and then the ferts and I got an alert from IRM that A46 was available again, man I am happy I did not look to buy this when I saw it go on ebay - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334491375692?hash=item4de13d584c:g:UV8AAOSweopiwD7d
  8. They do have a couple of 121's that seem ok on price: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203997536364?hash=item2f7f33606c:g:TywAAOSwK~5irKOS https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134149187006?hash=item1f3bea25be:g:1moAAOSw-hJirKOW As for the 181 well from what I have seen lately on 181's that is kinda about where they are
  9. HI, So I decided to check out the class 31's again as I have it in my head to pre-order these in a few weeks, so on the UK site, from the "Locomotives" drop down, you can select the Class 30/31 and it proceeds to get you to view the range, when you pop over to the EU site, it is missing from the drop down. The rest of the locos are there, but the Class 30/31 is missing. More than likely a quick fix but I figured I would mention it
  10. I do not know.. I am almost tempted to get another one if the single pack to put aside and have one running. I am actually not in love with the idea of taking the one I have out of the box.
  11. @murphaph enjoy dude, sounds like you are going to have a nice day ahead of you.
  12. Awesome sir, looking forward to
  13. To be honest, they are growing a little on me, can I ask when are they due again? My credit card took a little hammering lately but a quick recovery is in progress, so I am planning my next purchase already. Also, what are we looking at in about how many have presold?
  14. Any more beer kegs coming anytime soon?
  15. The credit card will take some battering at that rate, on the verge of life support!!
  16. That would be awesome. Pretty please with cherries on top
  17. Kato are I think based out of the Chicagoland area, hence maybe why they have Metra stock. They seem to be more towards N gauge than HO, if you check out their website you should notice this. As the 2 passenger cars were the last released by Kato a few years ago, in HO, that I mentioned on my last post, when I picked up this loco almost a week ago, I was asking about more passenger coaches but I think he mentioned that Kato maybe doing something. I could be wrong, as I want to expand on my Metra coaches. Keep an eye on the Walthers website for new releases, a lot of all the manufacturers that sell over here, their products you should find on their website also, https://www.walthers.com/manufacturer-name . Apparently something seems to be announced over here almost every month. Walthers at the moment themselves do not have coaches for Metra, but they did do a loco a few years ago, the EMD F40PH, which I have. It is a decent performer, cheaper than a Kato but the Kato is better quality. https://www.walthers.com/emd-f40ph-standard-dc-metra-128-city-of-evanston. I googled quickly and they did at some stage have a Metra coach - https://www.walthers.com/pullman-standard-commuter-cab-metra-chicago-1984. Maybe ebay to keep an eye out to see what comes along. He of course drew my attention to another model, there is a Bachmann Amtrak SC-44, which of course he put on the track and showed her off, https://tonystrains.com/product/bachmann-67901-ho-charger-sc-44-w-tcs-wowsound-dcc-amtrak-midwest-4618. Apparently from what he said, Bachmann models over here have improved a lot and worth while taking a look at. To be fair to this model it does look nice in the flesh. Slowly the US locos are growing on me.
  18. I have a couple of Kato coaches for it to run with: https://www.katousa.com/onlineshop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=71_75_89&products_id=1193 https://www.katousa.com/onlineshop/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1195 I would like to get a couple more coaches for it, but nothing else is available at the moment, I am waiting to see if Kato releases a new coach as the 2 I have are a few years old since they were released. I got them for my F40PH Walthers loco, not sure if I will replace it with a Kato model or not.
  19. The phone call came today, soon as I could, off to pick up my F59PH Metra loco, lads, step lights? Track inspection lights? Even the manual can give a laugh: If you collect US models, you may want to consider this model, I am only running mine in at the moment but I love the loco, packaged similar to the IRM A class. 1443770096_20220429_2030431.mp4
  20. For the missing accessory pack for the 071, as I live in the US, is it possible to arrange to have it shipped over to me?
  21. Would there by any chance a spare accessory pack for a 071? I discovered that I am missing one..
  22. At them prices, he maybe stuck with them for a while, unless he decides to drop the prices, dramatically.
  23. Glad I pulled the trigger on A42 and A55. Been very fortunate on the models I got, I have to get DCC decoders for them all, I am wondering is there an update on the Crossley sound decoders for them?
  24. @Adrian many thanks for going to all the trouble of comparing the speakers, I did find it useful, I hope it does help out others if they are looking for speakers not just for the 141 but for any locomotive as this should help. I did pull the trigger on the double iPhone speakers and I have a few sound ESU loksound chips due for delivery on Monday. Soon as I have them delivered, there are plans to order 2 more at the end of next week. I may look at getting a megabass for a 181, have not fully decided yet as I am planning to use on of these on the 181 Besides the iPhone speakers, would you happen to have links to the other speakers that you used in your testing? I am grateful once again for the trouble you went to.
  25. So how bad is it to convert one of these to DCC? I have a lot of decoders to get for locos to get but I am not even thinking of this loco yet.
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