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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. That thing has no chance of touching the jets. It might hit the Hercules based on its lower speed and larger profile, but against an AC-130, :shooting:………………….I'd prefer not to be on that AA battery:praying:
  2. Good insight there, John. Let's see if there are free replacements for unhappy customers or whether we have to buy a 121 to get some money back….although if the USD reach parity with the Euro, most modelers will be paying more anyway:((
  3. Super video. Didn't get a chance to watch it earlier at work. Really enjoyed that ride in the Typhoon Are these USAF(E) F-15Es? From Lakenheath AFB, maybe?
  4. Yes, that has been highlighted before and will certainly impact the prices of what comes onto the market in the future. At some point an equilibrium will be reached whereby they increased costs will reduce demand for the product by the consumer and that process is likely to be accelerated if the quality drops as it certainly has with the paintwork on the coaches which may be the labor intensive portion of the product production. Actually, that is a plausible explanation if they are still in China and partially paid for. I'm not sure why the application of the liveries was good on previous coaches and now is problematic on the Supertrain Mk2ds. Does suggest that they're not made by the same company there although the same completion COD system could apply. So, several members are familiar with the process of obtaining MM stock but haven't contributed to the thread……… GIVE!….. (please and TY!)
  5. That's not a problem here, about a month should do it at most!
  6. Yeah, I was looking forward to these coaches.
  7. A thing of beauty, Dave. VERY nice.
  8. There is no one more upset about these coaches than Paddy Murphy All the good & hard work he has done over the last 15 years is at stake here He has made contact with the manufacturers and is trying to address the problems Its not like you can hop on the DART and drop over to them These things take time and hopefully we should hear some news shortly Crossing posts, Dave. I agree with you that MM has earned a good reputation and that certainly is at stake. I understand that these things take time but no statement has been issued by MM and the product continues to be sold without any statement from the company. That is not a good business strategy. Neither is that of vendors who will not allow you to open a box and inspect these coaches at a show. Buy sight unseen when physically present, no, I don't think so.
  9. Rich, I think that Noel is aware of problems with these but it has become a sensitive topic on this forum with some insisting that there is no problem. It's not in everyones interest to highlight the problem and some of the comments are probably not without bias. I'm sorry, it is what it is, guys! I have not seen these coaches in the flesh. The US (internet based) supplier swears he has sold many of them and no complaints. I am not quite as sympathetic to MM as you. If there is a problem with them, there has been nothing iterated to buyers regarding a hassle-free return or replacement of the poor quality of defective items. Not all are in poor shape but from what I hear from members maybe a third to half have problems. MM is fully aware of the problem and if it is unable to have this rectified with the supplier or does not wish to and the attitude is that they'll eventually all sell as we're such a tiny market with limited options, that certainly does not earn my respect or sympathy. MM dealing with this problem at the outset would have done a lot more to earn my trust in the company.
  10. I hear and understand what both of you are saying. So for instance, are you saying that part of the run of the 071 class, or the more recent run of 201s, are still in production? i.e. some are on the shelves (or in a MM warehouse somewhere nearby for distribution to the model shops as required) BUT some are STILL physically in production in China? If they run has been physically produced and shipped then this has nothing to do with the Chinese supplier, right?
  11. That may work if you want a different livery but it is about E35 for a full respray if you can't do it yourself. These are supposed to be rtr models not kits. So cost of model plus respray plus possible additional price increase already announced by Marks Models due to weaker euro means these are some of the most expensive MM coaches of all time. MM has done nothing about it nor does it intend to by the looks of it.
  12. Hi Chris, But the shipment would have been paid for when shipped or before that. I doubt whether it is partially complete at the model release date with the remainder filtering through later. I suppose if the shipment was shipped to the UK and paid for in GBP, followed by a relative strengthening of the GBP versus the euro that would leave Irish models shops with more expensive purchase and retail prices....
  13. Thanks very much JM and David. Took me a while to absorb all that properly but very interesting. Fantastic thread!
  14. Saw them, but I'm going to hand pick these coaches in person or not at all
  15. A piece of advice at the bottom of the Marks Models newsletter is creating some confusion regarding the existing stock of Murphy's models. ".....due to the currency exchange situation between Euro/Sterling and Euro/Dollar we are having to increase prices on all new stock arriving in as we cannot afford to absorb these price rises." I presume that when Murphy models does a run of locomotives or rolling stock the 500 or so are paid for, and shipped from China, presumably to the warehouse in Ireland. Are they shipped to several worldwide destinations for piecemeal distribution to model shops worldwide or stored somewhere else not in the euro zone? Even so, the price of the new models is set based on historical costs and currency exchange rates. Can someone explain why current exchange rates should affect prices after the event?
  16. A picture being a thousand words… great video , John. Thanks!! Now to watch out again……..
  17. Very nice, and from the right side of that sturdy fence too!
  18. Aha! I wondered why that wouldn't have been on the video. No electrical problems with that return loop. Nice!
  19. Paul, I don't know where you are located but there are locations within 12 miles of Wicklow town though not in the town itself, I think. Topaz, Church Road, Greystones Kilmacanogue Topaz Bray Arklow Tesco, Wexford Road, Arklow Bray Centra Boghall Rd, Bray Spare a thought for those of us who can't find a bargain at the local show, pay more than the odds or do without and wait weeks for delivery on occasion…. (try the auld Parcel Motel)
  20. I preferred to buy from Hattons due to better transparency and good prices on shipping (which they must have subsidized based on what I'v been charged by other vendors),but since they are no longer stocking Murphy Models due to some change in their business, at that's no longer an option. That's they key but it's a hassle as it's not done automatically on the website
  21. Yes, agree with all of that, Tom. Regarding the 201s, I was just pointing out that further demand did exist and they were re-run , although hopefully we won't be paying Eur600 per s/h Baby Gm or something before a re-run if sufficient demand existed.
  22. So they didn't build it like that purposefully like the roads? Actually it's much flatter that those…….
  23. On that note, it there a way of tagging/saving a link to/other way to re-find threads that one know one might well wish to find in the future? Sometimes I cannot remember something unique to search for to find a thread that I've read and am looking for again, and sometimes I do but maybe that keyword is in the text and somehow does't show up in the search….
  24. But at least, postage is fully insured at cost and because of the weight bands used by Royal Mail other items can be added in the parcel at no extra cost! Like this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MEGA-RARE-Hornby-Railways-R-120-R120-Irish-5-Plank-Wagon-SLNC-MIB-/271814522706?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f49687752 Shame there's only one of each for the price:rolleyes:
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