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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. I really like this! Great use of space
  2. Many thanks, David. I did not realize there was so much in that resource section
  3. Ooooooh! Love TPOs! Any idea of the number, JB, or location/year with those high finials in the background?
  4. Nice job, John, and very helpful!
  5. When you look at this photograph the headlight is selectively blackened relative to any other part of the upper cab. You can see from multiple photos the patterning of soot and dirt on the lamp but just as there are black and silver 071s with orange doors, and IR logos on Supertrain livery, one other possibility might be that the headlight has been replaced by a spare, in black, from the preceding livery. Lovely shots!! Green has not been my favorite livery in the past but it is growing on me:-bd
  6. It would be as well supported as the 121 based on the previous poll
  7. That's always sad but it's easy enough to research and he's not listing them for 29.99 out of ignorance. Funny that
  8. +1 Yes, indeed. Hoping for an rtr
  9. I've seen some in the black era with headlight but I think they'd been rebuilt at that point. As it happens, I have a copy on the way already!
  10. Love it! Really adds realism to the layout. Very impressive:trains:
  11. I remember a picture being assembled presumably at MV in Manchester without lights but I guess I assumed they were about to be added! Remiss of me not to have noticed the lack of headlights! Yes, I see the bar, now:tumbsup: Antenna at one end wired to both cabs, I presume
  12. Where, please?
  13. I think you're right. Just found some very old photos of them without them online. The rebuild were not until about ten years later I think. Steam loco didn't I suppose, so same with early diesel, I presume. WHat did they see with, a couple of oil lamp on the buffer beam?
  14. What are the 'Fangs"and when were they fitted? The A's didn't always have a double headlight?
  15. Thanks for that. Did you do the weathering yourself?
  16. Fiddle yard in general but especially top right corner may be hard to reach unless you're tall. Presume no acces from the back just crawl through on the bottom? Station on one side planned?. Looks about 10x7, maybe enough room for split level/gradient to add a little appeal/variety?
  17. Original, resprayed, Lima, Hornby, running number, rolling resistance? Thanks. Some photos would be great
  18. He's pretty persistent, too. He's relisted these about three times already=))=)) Actually, now that I think of it I have seen several sell for £65-72 on several occasions on eBay, although they may have been used (but excellent)
  19. 3-4 to 1 seems to be the correct ratio 6:2 etc. We spoke about this a little while back in another thread. Seem like a maximum of 6 without a second generator and that seems rare
  20. Here she is (0:22) with a rake of 'standard' Cravens, still couldn't get the number
  21. Well, you're not wrong, JB, (again). I was looking through YouTube and came across two 141s in the same clip both with small IE logos, contained completely with in the black side section (which reminded me of this thread and your comment). 187 and 153 at 3:44 & 23:05
  22. Oh Lord, Harry. At the first sign of any posturing, I'm outta here, but seriously, the craven has a deeper color and the others may (or not) be comparable since they're from different photos. If Daryl exposed them identically with the DSLR then yes, probably. You'd have to crop out the black surround and the lower shadows for a fair comparison and then you have the issue of scale effect they'll all look closer the smaller they are. After all that, call Richie for sure.
  23. I have to admit there is not much in it if anything at all. If you have two top coats on there I'm not surprised they look identical, I'm not sure that the undercoat would have any bearing whatsoever, no more than the colour of the plastic beneath. Not sure what to tell you but it looks too bleached out if you're to match the deeper craven color. Coach looks good. Very impressive!
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