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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Camping coaches at Dungarvan, 1966 at 0:25s
  2. Some beautiful laminate stock on this one. Great to see A9 in black. Thanks for posting, Stephen!!
  3. Lovely shot of the Bell containers posted by RedRich here with maroon, blue and whiter roofs, the last being in the minority in the 80s, albeit they may be in commoner use on more modern containers http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/2125-The-Eighties?highlight=eighties
  4. Thanks, David. That makes a lot more sense. Why then would you need a mule at all rather than just attaching the cable to the wagons? Or was that it, there was no attachment or detachment of the cable, just shunt the mule back with the next set of empty wagons? The winch would have to be recessed beneath the trackbed, I presume?
  5. Is it on the same chassis?
  6. Maybe they'll put them in Black & Tan which would also look well and compliment the existing slate grey or any remaining Black & Silver
  7. One from one of our site members showing the mule in action in better times I presume it was battery powered? And it must have been solid metal to cope with the weight of the filled wagons I think I have seen something similar being used for loading, maybe bulk cement? Waterford seems to be popping into my brain for some reason. Will try to look when I get home tonight....
  8. Wow! Thirty already. Happy Birthday:D
  9. I presume this is on bearings or some sort of ultra low friction below the layout. Circular contacts under the layout for power transmission? Any photos. Very novel! I like it
  10. Maybe a mod could move the last few posts across to Eamonn's workbench?
  11. Another modeling opportunity for those so inclined and who run modern/preserved models. Obviously the loco has the modern LED marker lights, what is probably the modern shade of IE orange, no grab irons on the front of the cabs, the newer handbrake wheel and of course the flying snail is back!
  12. Great shots, Dave. Thanks for posting. The mule has grown a little hair without the beet
  13. Looks like 160 also had a small IE logo in 2000
  14. The Evolution Series is so prevalent, it's amazing! Nice shot
  15. Visit from the CGI* imminent, I would think *Colour Green Inspector
  16. Well done, 141. I had been looking at these several months ago and forgot to bookmark the website. Several gennys and NIR coach etc. on here of interest to me:tumbsup:
  17. That rust looks so good, I wouldn't 'spoil' it with a load of ballast. Nice job!
  18. ..... and since we're on the subject of marker lights on 121s, this seems to be another variant with red lights on the cab end of 123 above the extant originals. Another great shot form Ernies archive just sitting at Limerick Junction for the day https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/15095259504/in/album-72157646594210844/ So when you consider the presence or absence of cab windows on the bonnet side of the cab, variations in the size of the main windows, lamp holders, marker light variations, and the grilles beneath the walkways on the sides, there's quite a lot to re-model if anyone is so inclined to do so. Incidentally, I'm confused why it's been so quiet on the site lately. I'm assuming that there has been an unscheduled failure of the Irish cloud layer and an isolated sunbeam has hit the emerald isle causing mass panic in fair-skinned Celts, ....or Irish modeling is now entering summer recess? Looks like 128 also had these additional lights on the cab end in 1998
  19. ...or at least that's what I thought until I came across this in Ernie Brack's Flickr archive of 129 about 2000 in IE livery. These are not the last LEDS marker lights but also don't seem to be the originals, but a square ?replacement with incandescent bulbs. In any case, the lamp holders are no longer on the buffer beam
  20. I'm sure that's a given. Poor old thing seems overdue, though
  21. 62'9" flats? 072 looks to be in a right state with that replacement panel/headlight:facepalm:
  22. I suppose there's no chance of another run of these for those who were not modeling 4 years ago? Definitely a need for non-generators even for those who bought them back then
  23. I just noticed that the 121s had no lamp holders when they were unloaded, covered in 'duct tape', at North Wall. They were then mounted on the buffer beam for a long time afterwards. It looks like they stayed there through all livery changes until the marker lights were changed to LEDS when they moved to a position above the light clusters.
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