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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. DiveController

    New Website

    The plural form of English nouns ending in -ix or -ex should always follow their Latin root and form with -x being replaced by -ces for the plural nominative form of the noun, helices, cortices, etc EXCEPT in the US where all bets are off and some sentences do non even require a verb in the vernacular. How that?
  2. "The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were." - Keats
  3. Are the window and door arrangements the same on the other side, Dave?
  4. The chassis is very versatile but the moulds are not going to degrade. It would seem sensible to diversify earlier to at least one other chassis with more than one option that could go on top in order to maintain interest and momentum. The previous moulds could then be used again later to mix it up bit. Personally I'm waiting for MkIII rake in super train livery but some rtf flat would save an awful lot of work and time (there's that work again)
  5. That's a lot of deferrals to 2017. I wonder if the relative strength of the dollar is putting this off?
  6. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3098-CIE-Leyland-Comet-tipper?highlight=comet+tipper Not sure what you need from the model range. Let me know if you find the appropriate color tin
  7. Hopefully some gennys could be made available even if some standards were available. There were at least three if not 5 standards per genny on prototypical sets
  8. AHA! Very interesting indeed. The guard could start the train i.e. the locomotive from there like a DVT? Here the coach is next to the loco of course. Picture would be great if you could post that. Many thanks for the reply:D
  9. He doesn't unless he just picked them up (I was looking for some too). Might be time for a re-run:D
  10. In this photo from Ernie's collection the craven has a 'Train Line' suffix (TL) after the coach number to denote the coach is equipped for train lighting provided by the generator van. On another thread we discussed TLA where the coach in question (although itself vacuum braked) had a through air pipe to allow it to run with air-braked stock. Can someone tell me what the 'B' stands for in the TLB suffix please?
  11. Speaking of the Lawrence collection, Corkonians or any others with ties to the capital;), will appreciate this collection, no 30,31 & 59 being of most interest to gricers http://www.corkpastandpresent.ie/history/batch2/cppjuiceboxbatch2/lawrence2/#30
  12. They still won't pick up the phone or respond to an email. It's getting a little ridiculous now....
  13. OK, I think this thread in 22'6" flats is what I was thinking of http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/198-22-6-quot-Container-Flat-photos-and-drawings I think the photos might have then gone to the resources section so we seem to have come full circle
  14. There's a photo somewhere, which is not mine, and maybe from the site, of the Lyons tea container on a flat wagon, possible 273XX series. The container seemed to be shorter than the wagon by about 18" each end and just sufficient6 to engage the cuplocks (if that's the correct terminology) on the flat. There is a 'broadside' and a 45 degree oblique shot. If I can find a copy and no-one has any objections to me posting it without credit. I will do so. If you can determine the length of the flat over the headstocks, you should be able to get scaled dimensions
  15. Not sure if this is the full URL to take you to the photo but this is a great shot of the cab of a J15 if anyone ever felt inclined to produce a model That said I suppose you'd have probably just go and look at sister 184 & 186
  16. I was wondering if that was the reason. Why is 162 being turned, something failed in one cab? Were they 141s withdrawn by then?
  17. 181-C-13 will be coming up for the boys in the Rebel County
  18. Shame there's not really a OO model of that. Not the prettiest, Functionally more interesting, I suppose
  19. That's a lovely collection, Ernie. Already have a bookmark for it. Love those old partly covered wagons! Thanks for sharing the photos.
  20. Many thanks for the instructions, John. Looking forward to receiving mine.
  21. I could understand if it wea 141-P-142 or 141-RPSI-142...
  22. Off the beaten track is still on YouTube. I saw one by chance only a few nights ago. It may be easier to link to it from Google etc as I can't seem to copy a link from the YouTube app on my iPad. They're about 30 mins in length and I remember several on there including Waterford to Dungarvan, Cork to Blarney, Scarva to Newcastle and Stranorlor to Glenties, I think
  23. Very enjoyable video, Kieran. It's hard to believe there still isn't a market and to some extent for that, with music tailored to appeal to the traveling clientele
  24. Pressed into service regardless of the additional cost, pressed out of service regardless ......
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