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Everything posted by Junctionmad

  1. I suggest you apply for a bord filthy grant actually , its so believable
  2. I'm not sure what you mean, or are you being deliberately nasty FACTS 1 The track is announced and its dimensions have been ascertained 2 C&L new thick sleepered flexi is available ( I have some, I posted pics recently) ( this is completely different to the old C&L track ) 3.C&L and SMP thin sleepered flexi has been available for some time ( I have some ) and used it before ( mind you C&Ls mould tool is broken) 4.I mentioned that DCC are rumoured to be considering a RTL track, yes its a rumour widely circulating on other fora and yes I said it was a rumour ( using their new stainless steel rail ) 5.Code 75 rail has been available for a long time Conclusion, its nothing to do with pizza cutter wheels as code 75 from PECO and others have been available for some time ( and this new PECO track is no finer then code 75) its most likely that PECO are responding to the existence of competing products or potential products ( C&L thick sleeper, DCC possibly and also There are several other concerns that have indicated they were interested in 00 track , which I omitted because its not relevant ) I cant see what you are arguing against, or maybe you just dont like the fact that I believe your contention ( and thats all yours is, a contention) to be wrong but hey , Ill ask Pete Llewellyn to copy you on my emails in future
  3. Being a country lad Friesians ( or more correctly Holstein Friesians) become increasing popular in Ireland during the 50s, but only in dairy herds, traditionally , large dairy herds of the type seen today , were uncommon in ireland, mixed farms being the dominant type, with Shorthorn being the most common breed. howver the breeding association in Ireland was set up in 1921, so there must have been some importation The Friesian colour scheme is a result of the selective breeding programme. the breed is used for meat in southern europe , but less so in Northern europe
  4. Well ,to date if you wanted bullhead rail , the options were C&L and SMP. Historically these have been thin ( 0.6mm) sleepered track, which has been quite fiddly to lay and has very little strength. matching this with home built points, which were typically copper clad, still left things out visually. Now C&L has released 1 metre thick sleepered flexi, using its exactoscale fast track bases as a basis is for this track. Its pricey at £6.50 ( with their enhanced nickel quality rail ) This is a great looking flexi. Also there are /were strong rumours that DCC concepts was/is about to release a RTL 00 track work , to UK bull head outlines. as a result of this , I suspect PECO have moved to release a 00 scaled track as opposed to their existing H0 scaled track. Since code 75 PECO has been around for a long time, I dont think the timing has anything to do with wheel flange depth, its is notable however that the profile of the " chair" in the new 00 PECO track has the inside rail clamp, reduced down to ensure the pizza cutter wheels can still run
  5. Looking good for 00 modellers that want to represent proper 00 spaced bullhead rail track work http://www.pecopublications.co.uk/peco-anounces-2016-new-items-programme.html dave
  6. 00 track is essentially H O. If you mix the stock HO looks all wrong. If it's all the same stock it's will not look too bad. Things like platforms tend to look wrong , I.e anything that shows up the smaller scale
  7. dont laugh , if rail traffic continues to grow, IE, will be scouring the country for coaching stock to run behind a few locos !, look what happened in the UK, lots more loco hauled services have started to appear ( even if only as a temporary measure )
  8. I like the chain link fencing, "from whence did you source said fence, young sir" Dave
  9. while I suspect useless for most modellers as their intended purposes Lidl exercise mat , does look like useful stuff for track underlay and the like looks about 3-4mm thick dave
  10. That will be very interesting, indeed, Ill be following that with interest as thats right up what I and trying to ( in 00-SF)
  11. shows you what can be done with PECO track work in the right hands , The station crossover is particularly well executed. The additional of trackside accessories always lifts track wok and is an area that many modellers overlook, Real track beds, were festooned with all sorts of gubbins given thats PECO, Id love to see what your handiwork would look like with finer track work like c&L etc well done Dave
  12. very nice, layout my grandmother ( now passed away ) related a few times how they always went to Dublin from Waterford via Macmine junction as it brought then in or the harcourt line which was much more convenient. She could never understand the change to going through Kilkenny !!! funny how , we used to be able to cross the altantic at twice the speed of sound, reach space in a reusable multi purposes vehicle and , and have good public transport " progress " is a funny thing
  13. sounds like the one to have a look at , Ill get permissions to visit the box dave
  14. Id like to do that as well , especially if theres a car share going let me know dave
  15. Theres no functional signals on the waterford roslare section , its operated as an engineers possession ,i believe I shall make a trip to clonmel or roscrea, given I dont see these lines lasting much longer am I right in saying they would be still using the Webb and Thompson ETS machines
  16. was just wondering, are there any full time working cabins left now and where ?, presumably there must be something on the waterford to the junction how do they handle the CTC fringe at waterford for the limerick line ? dave
  17. great yes a freight version would be brill
  18. Ive read through mine, I was disappointed that there was no focus on freight vehicles , theres only so many pictures of Mk2 Mk3, I want to see!
  19. because engineering is an iterative process, no more then modern tractors are essentially laid out on the lines of steam traction engines, early single cab diesels , essentially followed steam engine practice where the cab was at the end of the engine. I read also that two considerations also bore on the designer mind, one was the psychological effect of rails disappearing immediately under the driver ( and early diesels with a small front bonnet to counteract this concern ) and the other was that signals were sighted for steam , quite high as they were often viewed looking up above the engine bonnet ( or boiler) . This was borne out as cab first diesels predominated, signals were lowered as for tender first tank engines , I believe the primary reason any steam engine was turned was the reluctance of the crew to operate at any speed in reverse, whereupon, coal and dust flew into their faces, never mind the weather with the cab providing no protection at all. Tender engines had no such protection issues and were regular worked in reverse, turntables being slow and labour intensive
  20. Rail Ireland , formed in 2020, announced their new high speed services to cork, 1 hour station to station , commuters however complained that the 5 hours negotiating Dublin's traffic was a problem, as was the 30 minutes walk at Hueston to platform 20
  21. I like that , in the midst of a fog of confusion, peace reigns in the acquisition of a 121 ! dave
  22. I personally never care about the liveries being offered, the key is to make the model in any livery, available, paint can be changed , either professionally or by an amateur. The great thing is to have a MM 121 to paint in the first place YMMV Dave
  23. not a signal in sight,
  24. I be surprised if it was a mechanical connection, much easier to connect a non contact method and those encoders has been around for donkeys Dave
  25. F this is the case would it not make sense to increase the production quantities. Surely it would be useful to have some extra I presume since the tooling will be paid off , you could rerun at a later stage , potentially even at a slightly lower cost Dave
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