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RobertRoche last won the day on October 24 2021

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About RobertRoche

  • Birthday 11/07/1991

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  • Location
    Wexford (& Waterford)


  • Biography
    See my videos: youtube.com/c/RobertRoche


  • Interests
    Irish Rail 1990s - present

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  1. Ours brought a hare through the cat flap recently, and many smaller gifts over the summer.
  2. IRM do a super job with communication, much better than many others. Keeping us informed at every step.
  3. Not to get too technical, it's been a while since I've wired anything, but this website is great for layout electrics: https://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/Electrical-Page-2.html The below image from that site shows a potential issue of shorting as the train crosses the frog if not dealt with correctly:
  4. Could you design a slot in the print to hold the nut? While space is probably limited in this model, I have desinged prints to take rivnuts which I glue in place, and they act as a threaded insert for a bolt - might be an option.
  5. I took some video of the Bord na Mona system near Edenderry power station in October 2023 while they were still carrying peat to the plant.
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  6. I'd say don't bother with the clips, solder wire connections if you can - they might not be needed depending where your other power feeds are.
  7. That appears to be correct looking at this old map
  8. They are unpowered so should be ok for a DCC layout.
  9. @BosKonay does it take a while for partial.ly payments to show up in your IRM account?
  10. Nice ground cover, have you considered misting over the completed scene with more PVA to set it all solid?
  11. This is one of my favourite layouts on the forum. Looking forward to the next iteration!
  12. Has anyone watched this series on Youtube? I found it quite good at the time:
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