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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. Does anyone know did anything ever come of the new bodyshell? I see the four variations of the SS are still listed on shapeways site, but would probably opt for the higher quality option, if it's available..... Weshty.... Does your detailing kit only cover the earlier version of the SS?
  2. They want £5.50stg (€7) to post it to the UK, and £60.00stg (€76.40) to post it to Ireland! What a rip off! Parcel Motel would save you a few euro there.....
  3. http://www.parcelmotel.com/about.html
  4. I think that's N gauge.....
  5. What about using Parcel Motel for getting one from the UK? They might post it to Northern Ireland for a lot less....
  6. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=milliput+putty&tag=googiehydra-21&index=aps&hvadid=27031244273&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13066627581326617383&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_9hah
  7. Just looking at the last pic of the three (new?) brake vans lined up, with the flying snail logo, I notice that the chimney was much higher back then......
  8. Is it more Dapol commissioned models?
  9. No.... there are some detailing items, such as horns and antennas that need to be fitted to the roof of the 141's. The positions where they are supposed to go are marked on the inside of the roof.
  10. Don't forget to open the holes in the roof for the horns and antennas while the body is off. They are marked on the inside......
  11. Here's an image of the Ballina branch train during a loco change over, from '86. Can anyone identify the coaches? Are they 1904 and 1442? There's certainly no van... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CIE-018-Ballina-1986-Eire-Rail-Photo-/271585175964?pt=UK_Collectables_Railwayana_RL&hash=item3f3bbce99c
  12. Does anyone know if the single door D class has sold out now?
  13. I don't think I ever saw a cleaner 201! I might try to get to Ballina tomorrow, to see her in the flesh....
  14. I wonder would gluing it down with a little copydex work? I think this is what Silverfox use to glue the body of their locos to the chassis. Anyone who has removed a Silverfox body will know that it breaks away from the chassis cleanly, with little effort, which would mean the 141 cabs should be easy enough to remove, if glued with copydex.... But, I'm only thinking out loud here! Research it further before anyone tries it!
  15. Glad you got sorted... Don't worry, we were all in the same position with the 141 bodies...especially our first one
  16. The lugs are clipped to the underframe. If you turn the bogie a little you'll see them from underneath. Your loco, having a black body makes them more difficult to see, as they are the same colour as the body. The orange ones can be seen much easier. Anyway, prising them from underneath with a small screwdriver or something should release them. Taking off the plastic bogie frame will give you more room if you need it.....
  17. No.... the large logo was the standard logo. The small logo, as featured on 078 was unusual.
  18. SSM are about to release bogie flats in the near future. These would be a good starting point for building timber wagons, as opposed to spending money on something that doesn't resemble Irish stock.....
  19. Indeed, but on the other hand, if you still possess those 24 photos, they are probably worth a lot more in every sense than the hundreds of photos you could take today on the system with a digital camera....
  20. Another possibility is that I travelled on both sets over the years... Maybe 1904 and 1442 on some occasions, which would account for my memory of there being no van....... and maybe a set similar to the one pictured on the train from Limerick on other occasions, which would account for the corridor compartment. If only cameras were as commonplace back then.... .................. or if only ttc0169 was a little bit older....
  21. Yes, I see the comment now. That does suggest the train in the photo is indeed from Limerick. I'm pretty sure the train I was on only worked the branch. I have vague memories of it reversing away from the platform to allow the Westport train in to pick us up. I actually travelled a number of years in the late 70's, early 80's time frame and the corridor compartment was present for a number of those years, if not indeed all of them. Just as I type this it has dawned on me... wouldn't the Ballina to Limerick passenger trains have ceased to operate by the time in question? (late 70's, early 80's)
  22. Methylated spirits, on a clean lint free cloth is probably your best option. You can get methylated spirit in a chemist for a few euro.....
  23. The photo is of the Ballina branch, as the caption below it reads.... CIE Bo-Bo 127 (GM-built, 950 hp) headsnorth from Manulla Junction with an afternoon passenger train in July 1971.
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