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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. Check out their other videos too.....
  2. Looks like a fine layout, with plenty of room to run long trains!
  3. Not intending to put you under any more pressure or anything, but is an A class from you still a possibility?
  4. Something I've noticed on this thread is the number of first time posters who have commented, as well as a number with low post counts. Firstly, welcome to those posters, and secondly, I assume they have been lurkers up until now, but such is their interest in a new crowd funded model that they felt strongly enough about it to post, which can only be encouraging. There are probably a number of modellers outside of the forum who would join such a venture if it was decided to proceed.
  5. 156 is possibly the most realistic yet. They just seem to get better and better!
  6. I don't think it would cut out the model shops. If Murphy Models came in on this, I think Paddy should be given a free hand to sell the model as he always has done. Our only input is money, which is basically used to speed up the process of producing a loco that both we and hopefully Paddy Murphy wish to see produced.
  7. If we are to believe what we read on this forum, Paddy Murphy cannot produce any new models until existing stock is sold. So, basically the only thing preventing Paddy from producing an A class or a 121 is money. He has the experience, desire, ability and everything else needed. That's where we can help each other here. Paddy Murphy is the best possible choice to produce our chosen loco. No one would have a doubt about the end result if Murphy Models are behind it, which would mean people would be happier to pay up front. Being a manufacturer, Paddy might be in a position to part fund the model, meaning less to be funded by us. Paddy on the other hand would get our money, be given a free hand to produce the model as he has done in the past without interference or input from anyone. Once the model is produced, the prepaying members would get their locos at the pre agreed price and Paddy could produce and market the model as he wished after that. So, maybe someone here who has a direct line to God.... I mean Paddy.... can have a chat with him and see if there is a chance of this happening..
  8. A class gets my vote.....
  9. I think they have a policy of removing dirty photos.....
  10. When I read your comment of ponying up 100 grand, my initial thought was there's no way we could raise that on the Irish scene. Then I did some calculations... Let's just say €200 per model up front. That would require 500 prepaid units. When you consider that most of the individual locos that Murphy Models produced were produced in batches of 500, and sold out, then maybe it's not such an impossibility after all...
  11. There's the first problem. Deciding on which model to produce. This would be difficult at the best of times, but if there's any hope of it working we all need to row in behind the one model.
  12. I'd certainly pay........ How many manufacturers out there are offering this option? It's alright paying upfront, but you'd need to have faith that you'd get a quality product in return. Could this be an option with Murphy Models? If it was, then at least we'd have someone with a passion for the model, and who has delivered in the past, producing it. Hattons commissioned Heljan to produce a model of the Co Bo, the UK Metropolitan Vickers, a few years ago. As far as I know they produced a good model. Maybe another option?
  13. 180mm approx, measured on the inside from cab to cab. About 184mm inside between the two buffer beams below the cabs.
  14. Is that short enough to slot into the A class body without chopping?
  15. It will take an awful lot of work to get the Bachmann chassis into an A class. The chassis will need to be shortened considerably. This is why the Lima and Hornby models are used. They feature a pancake motor at one end of the chassis, while the rest of the chassis is basically hollow. The Bachmann will have a central motor with a driven bogie at each end, just like any of the Murphy Models locos.
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Model-Irish-Railways-CS10-NIR-Gatwick-generator-van-8911-brass-overlay-kit-/331373531438?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item4d2766d12e
  17. £560stg. the C class finished at. Not expensive, I think.........
  18. Could this traffic be enough to warrant the reopening of the Waterford - Wexford line? It would open up a scenic corner of the country without having to travel back up the East coast line to Dublin, or having to bus the passengers between Wexford and Waterford.......
  19. She's well weathered anyway! Have you tried lightly oiling the cogs in the mechanism, as well as cleaning out any fluff or dirt that might be trapped there? As for weight, my Silverfox A class came with a fairly substantial weight block fitted. I assume your's did too. It certainly needs it, and adding more would certainly help with traction. You could try some more weight to see if it improves the running. Just something simple strapped to the chassis with the body removed would do for a test run.
  20. Yes, I was lucky enough to get smooth running, but at the end of the day it's a Lima chassis with a pancake motor. If better running is your requirement, you are probably better off trying the newer Hornby, even if it is expensive.
  21. Have a look here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/content.php/316-freight-stock_1....
  22. That's the first time I saw the fertiliser wagons with the mesh doors. Would I be right in thinking they were originally produced with the mesh doors, and later upgraded with steel doors because the mesh wasn't up to the job, or was there another reason to change them?
  23. I got the model painted from Silverfox, although I did add some small touches myself afterwards, such as the silver under the cab doors that you can see in the photo. It probably needs weathering to make it look like an actual 001.....
  24. The night time images aren't great, but at least you'll get an idea of how they look. But, the important thing to remember is that it's a Lima chassis. If your main objective is to get a better runner than what you have, a Lima can be hit and miss......
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