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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. An 001 class hauling something like 8 or 9 oil wagons with no magnesite wagons was a regular movement on the Ballinacourty branch.
  2. Do you deal in items like this, WRENNEIRE, or are they only for your personal collection?
  3. This is what you want....... http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/112-2600-class-railcars
  4. In reality, this isn't CIE/IE's first plans for multi engined locos... In 1948, parts were obtained to build 6 twin engined locos, but this never happened, and the 12 engines destined for those locos were later used in the 12 B101 Sulzers in 1956
  5. Is the multi-engine arrangement currently in use in locomotives in other countries, or is it a totally new concept?
  6. Yes. They're in most model shops now
  7. They definitely need some additional weight. The weight is very easy to add, inside the barrel, during the build. I think I just used some rolled up newspaper in mine.
  8. Are you on facebook? This is a good group for info on Irish model buses.... https://www.facebook.com/groups/131468067044321/
  9. Which one is more suitable for analogue controlled layouts?
  10. Is there actually any difference in the size of the two cabs internally? Even though there is a bigger gap between the door and side windows at the number one end, my understanding is that this extra area contains the electrical control cabinets.
  11. I think the easiest way to work it out is to look at the single cabbed 121's. The radiator, fan and grilles are all at the end furthest from the cab. The 141 in simple terms is a 121 with a second cab (cab number two) attached at the other end....
  12. Thanks, rebelred. Great answer, especially with the photo!
  13. Just to confuse things a little, on the A and C class Metrovicks the number one end was the end where the fan and grille is...
  14. Is it possible to walk through the engine room of a 201 to get from one cab to the other, as it was in the A/001's?
  15. They did. It works out at about €115 if they paid the UK postage and then Parcel Motel (assuming their in the south). It's not often you see Irish stock selling for sensible money on eBay.
  16. I'd say starting with an unweathered model would be best. Renumber it, and then weather it. Done right, the weathering would look more realistic than the weathering on the MM models, and you would also have control over how much weathering you wanted. As you know, there are a number of people on this site who can do this work to a high standard. If you wished to use one of them to weather the loco, Marks Models post to Ireland free of charge, so you could arrange with Marks to have the loco posted directly to whoever was going to do the work. I'd say if you paid for the loco before the end of the sale tonight, Marks would probably wait a few days before posting it, giving you time to sort everything out....
  17. Firstly, let me say that I am very unlikely to be able to do so, but if I, or indeed anyone else here, found that we could attend on the day, would it be alright to turn up at Downpatrick on the day, or is it only open to those who have arranged to go beforehand?
  18. With the exchange rate and postage costs, it's unlikely that this loco will end up costing anything less than the €135 it can be bought for in Marks Models at the moment.
  19. All modellers should have one of those coffins assembled in preparation for the moment when herself finds out how much we spent in the Marks sale!
  20. This might help........
  21. I think 99% of repaints are done with decals. However, the varnish and other mediums you use before, during and after applying the decal will have a huge affect on the end result.
  22. http://www.railtec-models.com/showitem.php?id=1147
  23. Even the bit of exhaust dirt on the roof breaks up the grey, as well as making the model more realistic looking, of course.
  24. I think the yellow panel is ever so slightly too deep on the model too. There should be a slight gap between the bottom of the headlights and the top of the yellow panel.
  25. That's an incredible job! Lovely coach
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