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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. The coaches in that link are the later livery from the IR/IE era. The MM coaches are indeed very similar to that livery. However, the earlier supertrain livery, which these latest MM coaches represent was actually much darker. It was a tan colour. ttc0169 looks good in the photo, though!
  2. As you can probably guess from my username, I love the video. Classic!
  3. Something similar to the shade used on the early livery MM Cravens would have been grand...
  4. I'd say a lot of these coaches will end up getting the two white stripes added to them. Firstly as a source of obtaining the much desired IR/IE gen van, and secondly to complete or add to a rake of orange roof IR/IE MK2's.
  5. No.... just the number on the list that WRENNEIRE got from PM, I think.
  6. Excellent! It's really coming to life.
  7. Not a bad effort so far! One suggestion I'd make is that the cab side windows should be a little deeper...
  8. If you need further pics, I'm sure someone at Downpatrick would get some for you. I'd say Mike Beckett would be your man. He's easily enough contacted through FB. He's on most of the railway related pages.
  9. It certainly looks like a successful attempt at producing a suitable chassis! You mentioned white metal bogie sides... Are you producing them yourself?
  10. Yes, you are right. Bachmann produced the 141/181's for MM. They are basically a Bachmann loco. This probably accounts for the difference you notice in the other classes.
  11. Would the storage sidings be more practical if access was from one end, thus allowing you to stable a long train? ..... if that makes sense...
  12. To the person who wants it, it's probably cheap. How do you put a value on these things? But, saying that, I can't remember what I paid for the one I have, but I think it was less than that.
  13. Yeah, it just ended at £80, or something. I have one the same as it. I think it's supposed to be from a traction motor.....
  14. Yes, everything from eBay is posted there. Post the link to the eBay item in a new reply.....
  15. Just post the link to the eBay item, with a comment if you want, in the eBay thread. It's like starting a thread within a thread. It's as good as it gets, and it works fine.....
  16. Voted!
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Excellent!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Some grand footage of the magnesite and oil train in that video! It even shows the last magnesite train pulling out of the factory. 011 had the honours of hauling the last load. It's only when you see the quality of the recording that you realise how long ago it actually is now since the factory was operating. The workers seem happy enough about the closure, if the images on the video are anything to go by. Thanks for posting it!
  21. That sounds like a successful modification. And very useful to know! Was there much work involved in fitting the kadees to the body?
  22. Nice!
  23. Now that you mention it, there seems to be! That photo is exactly how I remember the dolomite train. It's really hard to believe that it's almost 33 years since they last ran!
  24. Never mind what the MK 2's are......... he called us girls!
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