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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. Excellent post by murrayec... I suggest it should be made a Sticky somewhere!
  2. "Sorry I can't post up the photos of the real thing that I worked from as the photos ain't mine to share." I actually thought it was the real thing!
  3. It looks brilliant! That colour would suit the 201's in real life, I think. I wonder if the 201's will lose the grab rails from the front of the cab, like the 071's did, when they get their next overhaul.....
  4. A publication on this subject would be very interesting and welcome. So here's hoping you succeed in getting as much information as possible!
  5. I don't foresee that happening. When they didn't reopen it when the Asahi plant opened, they are unlikely to do so now. I think one of the reasons for not reopening the Killala line at the time of the Asahi opening was the amount of buildings standing on the old line. I bet the amount of buildings on the line has multiplied by three or four in the intervening years....
  6. There is some talk of a biomass plant starting up on the former Asahi site in Killala. The Asahi plant was responsible for a lot of rail freight in it's day. Perhaps a new industry on the very same site will generate more rail freight in the future! http://www.mayorenewablepower.ie/
  7. It's a commercial property. Why would access to rail freight not be a potential advantage? Furthermore, it's situated on the former Asahi site, which must be close to 10 miles from Ballina station........
  8. Nice! If the sound of 071 didn't warm ya, it must have been cold!
  9. Absolutely....... but going on that logic, why should Paddy Murphy and other model producers invest so much time, money and effort into producing models that are as close to perfect as possible? The Irish model scene has made enormous strides forward in recent years. That's why models like Silver Fox's new Sulzer won't sell in the numbers the Silver Fox A class did when it was released. (in my opinion, of course..)
  10. It seems to be available to download here... http://www.4shared.com/office/BAuQiTbx/Diesel_Dawn_Irelands_contribut.html And a copy in the US here... http://www.abebooks.com/9781904242086/Diesel-Dawn-Irelands-Contribution-Development-1904242081/plp And one on eBay that appears to have got no bids. Maybe contact the seller by message?... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DIESEL-DAWN-IRELANDS-CONTRIBUTION-TO-THE-DEVELOPMENT-OF-THE-DMU-1931-1967-/281267294543
  11. I'm pretty sure I've seen that book on eBay a number of times.......
  12. They did, but things were very different back then. Even though it's not all that long ago, Irish modellers had very little available to them in the form of locomotives at that time. When you consider that the A class is a very popular and desirable locomotive, it's not surprising that so many bought one, or more, despite it's shortcomings. Since then, a lot has changed. Largely due to Murphy Models, but also because of other projects by others. Basically, the quality we've come to expect has risen dramatically. Plus, the amount of locomotives and rolling stock available to buy at the present time means that the average modeller can't afford all of it, and needs to be selective in what they purchase. So basically, anything that is deemed to be sub standard will be first to be ruled out of any buying decision, at least as far as I'm concerned......
  13. And an A class, a C class and a Sulzer...........
  14. Incredible! Maybe John should consider selling all the Sulzers on eBay like this, because it seems to me they are not going to sell well in general, for a number of reasons. Certainly not as well as the Metrovicks sold, anyway.
  15. I think anyone would agree it was the best looking stretch of rail in the country! Were the trains serving Ballinacourty before your time, or do you have memories of them?
  16. Do you know what livery the 001 on the cover is painted in?
  17. Brilliant find! Thank you!
  18. The only book I can think of with an 001 on the cover is one of the Irish Railways Traction And Travel books, published by Peter Jones. But, this doesn't sound like the book you describe......... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-Railways-Traction-Travel-1st-edition-Pub-1987-by-Peter-Jones-/321338246121?pt=Non_Fiction&hash=item4ad14083e9
  19. I wonder are the engine room windows see through, or just painted like the Silver Fox Metrovicks?
  20. It wouldn't be the first time that an item of Irish stock sold for more on eBay than it could be bought from a supplier for.....
  21. The 42' flat is a much needed model. If it's as good as you say, it's going to be a great seller!
  22. Good to see you back!
  23. Any update on this?
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