Thanks to all who have responded to this.. if you can check in Waterford that would be great riversuir.
I think what you were saying Anto is part of the problem, I don't think IE do weigh their wagons but rather it is done using the trucks used for transhipment.
Thanks for that Dave, good article I've read before, written by one of my lecturers co-incidentally.
For a rough weight to volume calculation, I know that in 2012 60000 tonnes were moved by Irish Rail and the volume was 69000m3, so each metre cubed is about 1.15tonnes, obviously this is only an average with the mass changing by season due to weather/moisture content as Anto said.. Based on 160 train loads that's only about 375 to 400 tonnes per train though.. plus 300 tonnes of wagons so trailing weight is 675 to 700 tonnes. The max allowed is 780 tonnes when hauled by a 071 or 201, except DFDS liners can have 830 tonnes trailing.(according to the WTT, but you didn't hear it here).