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Everything posted by MOGUL

  1. Like a good few of the meetings I had the pleasure of attending in there:)
  2. Heard mention of this when I was working actually, A session between the parties was due to take place the week after I left.. Would have been interesting to sit in on..
  3. Maybe the won't need to if Irish Rail get the finger out and buy one of these bad boys
  4. There is no div 4 which deepens the mystery
  5. Found it, Div 42 isn't one of the perway ones listed though.. Could be a new works division?? or else my list is out of date... 1 to 28 only with no 4 or 20
  6. Does anybody know if the IWT liners and Tara mines will operate over the bank holiday monday ?
  7. Only 28 divisions but their numbering isn't sequential.. Have a breakdown here somewhere will post a list up when I find it
  8. Is that not a test train though as opposed to a service train, the one for the NI science park or a univerty to measure the effects of heavy passing trains on instruments in the 80s?? Nice pic too though Anto
  9. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact if one fails in a big way it can't be brought back to York road too easily except by low-loader.. Whereas 112 working at the other end of the line can easily be hauled back to York road and a NIR 201 or maybe 071 substituted. Don't think 071/111s are allowed work in multiple trainman..
  10. Makes me miss working in Inchicore Works even more!!! Thanks ttco, shifts might be better next week and hopefully some sunshine for photography..
  11. Eye-liner and bronzer.. Eye-liner for roofs/exhaust marks and general grime and bronzer for rust powder or track dirt on a loco or wagon
  12. I think the wednesday working is Ballina-NW and then Thursday is NW-Ballina.. Same pattern as when the DFDS ran with the wagons stabling in Ballina during the week..
  13. any idea of tht time in Dublin tomorrow ttco? finished work at 4 so might see it if I'm lucky.
  14. It is indeed, the rail line serves the ship-to-shore cranes which isn't done in Dublin Port or any other port for that matter. Videos from the port co at: You should be right about the timber trains as the Coillte plant is in the port industrial estate but the cost of a rail spur has never been justified sufficiently for anyone to cough up...
  15. Might it be one of the Lancashire Flats as they're called??
  16. Which raises the question, WHODUNNIT?
  17. None at the moment. The timbers operate to Waterford Sallypark yard and the timber is craned onto trucks to be hauled to the Coillte panel products plant.
  18. Ah the very same set I broke up for the flats and track.. Wasn't Irish enough for me?? How much for the set? I need a few points and small curves
  19. Just found this, includes pictures of 113 on its way to whitehead by low loader http://www.wide-loads.com/gallery.htm
  20. A lot of the traffic has gone over to the Iwt services and out/in through Dublin Port, think that's why it might have ended..
  21. Any Wagons going?? looking for some cheap freightliner flats and also maybe some track
  22. Thanks for that John. Took me a while to get my bearings with the extension of the Eucon terminal over the Alexandra Road. So much rail traffic and so many sidings in use in that area then
  23. Any update on the fate of the DFDS.. Seems to have been cancelled a good bit this week
  24. Sorry to change the subject away from guard rails, but I have a question for Anto, does the new coupler set up work okay on tighter radius curves?? thinking of doing a small shunting layout with 141s/181s and they look so much better with your mod I want to try it out.
  25. I'm guessing its due to falling volumes with more traffic going through Dublin and on the IWT?? What's the source of this snippet if you don't mind me asking?? Will IE be announcing it or DFDS?? If it does happen will we see the once weekly wednesday Ballina-NW/Thursday NW-Ballina working, that uses the DFDS set of wagons,being rescheduled. Can't see it really being possible to store the set in Ballina from thursdays to the next wednesday. Maybe the DFDS flats will transfer over to the IWT and the 25% capacity increase over the CPWS will allow fewer trains to operate the same load. All in the name of efficiency:) gotta think LEAN.. any thoughts??
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