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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Giving that I don't know what this is, RP25/110, I give up now.
  2. Hi & thanks one & all for your contributions, this is great, the kind of thing this site is all about. Junctionmad why are you superised to find anyone building for the first time with Peco code 100, & if I can I'll be hoping to use the nickel silver with the intention it'll be down pernanently, is there something, or maybe lot's of things I'm missing out on ! thanks again, Paul PA I have seen that photo , I think on the cover of a model railway magazine
  3. Jesus Junctionmad just when I thought I was home safe you have now awoke a "monster" in track. What I'm looking for on an OO is " most realistic looking, best running, & probably all the other things you mentioned to get my track down with the least amount of problems, as quick as is possible, & happy loco's running all over it, whether it's bullhead or horse head I don't care, I don't know as you may guess anything about RAIL so I'm very grateful for any / all help, thanks again, PS Forgot to ask what's " Tillig "
  4. Broithe, Are Rail Joiners otherwise known as Fishplates, or is there a difference,
  5. Hi guys & thanks for all the info on tracks, it'll be Peco Code 100 & Electrofrog points, may have to visit Hattons when the time comes as weight could be a postage cost, enjoy the Bank Holiday one & all
  6. Forgot to ask DC, is that track the type you solder to the rails,?
  7. Thanks again guys, & Broithe great explanation, so it'll be code 100 for me, btw do's everyone know your supposed to bend Peco Flexi one (1) way, only, apparently !! thanks again,
  8. Thanks DC, is that "streamline" different to code 100 ? it looks great, but I do'nt think it's the same as the track I seen in DL,
  9. For what ever reason I'm going with Code 100, do'nt know exactly why, I did see a layout in Dun Laoghaire & part of the the track looked great, especially the sleepers, looked so real, wood ! maybe just a feeling in my waters, or maybe it's the Jameson, ( wish the bloody hell I was putting my layout down right now !! ) I think I may have seen it on displays, etc. I'll be watching Kevin's development on his with the Code 75, anyway it's looking like when I get to putting it down, it will be interesting, some of my stuff is so long in boxes I do'nt remember just how old it is, thanks again guys,
  10. Thanks guys, now do's that mean it's not possible to run new stuff over Peco code 100 without problems or do's that mean you have to change wheels / bogies, ? thanks again,
  11. Forgot to mention my layout will be DCC, so I'm looking at Peco Flexi Code 100, & Electrofrog, & I'm hoping to be using as much a cross as is possible, meaning BoBo's, CoCo's, O-4-O's, O-6-O's, & whatever else I can run, no matter how long, or small,or should that be short !!!
  12. Hi all you knowledgeable guys, tell me what type of Track system is best to put for a layout, & including the best manufacturer of points for the same track system, I'm leaning towards the Peco code ???? so what's best, thanks in advance,
  13. Last time I drove past that place it was closed ! maybe you have a plan
  14. Thanks Broithe, PERMANENT is the operative word, when I put my layout down, it's down to stay.
  15. Do'nt forget the "it's cheap Dear" & "we'll be making a saving Dear " ( I cannot believe this is still going, as I have to make sure She who must be obeyed is comfortable & watching TV)
  16. While this tread is a going, can anyone suggest what board / wood or whatever is best for a baseboard in their experience,
  17. Long Live the Motorcar, Comfort, Heating, Window's, & at your leisure, or faster if you like, to hell with Miles or KM,
  18. Amen to that, & the sooner the better
  19. Scissors usually works for me,
  20. Thanks guys, lots to check out on these,
  21. Hi guys, anyone on here know where I would get photo's & maybe video's of Bray Station to include the turntable, good's shed, footbridge, engine shed, & any other items which would have made up the general running of the Station, don't know exacty what year/s, but I'm particularly interested in the CIE era. Thanks in advance.
  22. Brave words Broithe, Brave words,
  23. Liverbird81 are you thinking as to the possible consequences of anyone modeller on here stating anything like what he has spent, "INVESTED IN " been disclosed to his partner, wife, "she who must be obeyed" & who at all times is told "it's for our future Dear" that this is "for our partnership in life's future ongoing investments Dear " & " it's only CHEAP STUFF so we'er making a saving Dear"
  24. Well done Riversuir226, I just love those Tara wagon's, that one look's mega, I won't be modelling / building any in the near future, so I'll have to keep an eye on sales when I get my layout down,
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