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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Cometh the moment, cometh the man, outstanding Anthony as always,
  2. Thankfully I'm long past the psychedelic age, whether this is good or bad is entirely up to the individual, so what the hell is wrong with Green, & maybe Tan, or Black & Tan, or all Black, or all Gray, I say get it & paint it the colour you want,
  3. Silly Cyclists, http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/other-sports/cycling/watch-cyclists-narrowly-miss-high-speed-5505943#
  4. There is yet to be a case of a Submarine surfacing to report it had dragged a fishing boat & crew to their grave, thankfully in this incident all of the crew on board the fishing boat survived.
  5. The DR, would you mind explaining to me, ( a learner of everything in Irish model railways ) what it was you used, if anything, to support the plaster, if plaster it was you used, on the landscaping, as it really looks great, btb
  6. Track with scenery around it, of course, you can almost do without the scenery, but the Track is what's it's all about,
  7. Jesus Nelson stop with the excuses, that loco looks totally the absolute busines, half finished or otherwise, your skills are an example to all, now get out of that bed & finish it, PS, for that dose, get all the Vitamin C you can get your hands on, & pour it down, well done
  8. Chevron have you looked at EBay, or Adverts.ie & Donedeal. ie, I'm sur there's plenty of ther places, sites etc. out there as I'm sure someone will be along soon to confirm,
  9. burnthebox

    Happy Easter

    Just thought I'd wish everyone a very safe & Happy Easter, & of course do try & enjoy a tipple or two, wherever you are, up Country or Down in Dublin,
  10. Paddy a little note for future reference, if you wish to contact a member on here you can do this without putting your email address on for everyone to see, not suggesting anything would be wrong in that, but you have to be careful, so what you can do is click on the members name (in GREEN ) & you can contact them privately, I'll send you this as an example,
  11. Hi Paddy & welcome to the site, as to your ad maybe you could contact a club or organisation who I'm sure would be glad to get their hands on them,
  12. Well done Eamon, great work going on there, you are a busy man, all this work AND you have to clean the layout, jasus,
  13. Well done so far, looking great, hopefully you have the height right just in case you have to reach into the back if a loco stops, or derails, but you seem to have everything covered, including the " Cadburys Dairy Milk" in case you get locked in up there
  14. For those on here who do HO have a look at this http://www.ebay.ie/itm/151607861392?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  15. Short Story Jarvey & passenger "her Ladyship" going home, horse stops & rears up, Jarvey go's to horse with gun & putting gun to horse's head, says, that's once ! further down road horse stops & rears up, Jarvey go's to horse & putting gun to horse's head says, that's twice, again down the road horse stops & rears up, Jarvey go's to horse & puts gun to horse's head & shoots horse, "her Ladyship" starts shouting at Jarvey saying you're a horrible, horrible cruel man, Jarvey puts gun to " her Ladyships " head & says, that's once !!
  16. [quote name=Noel; I just love this livery with b&t coaches' date=' mm cravens and ifm park royals. Now about to attempt a respray of LMS stainers into CIE b&t laminate look-a-likes.[/quote] Noel, don't forget the before & after pics, please
  17. Absolutely spot on, no sitting in rush hour traffic jams, meeting deadlines, budgets, bosses, no more alarms at 7am or earlier, just relaxing & letting the World go by, having a pint or coffee at your leisure, yes retirement is the place to be, every day is a Holiday, :cheers:
  18. Well you can count you blessings it's not you that's sleeping out in a sleeping bag, clean or otherwise,
  19. For what it's worth, I have a set with the following numbers. 7129, 7411, & 7151, is this what your talking about,
  20. For a minute there I thought I was getting a pint on Good Friday, as said Church Rules
  21. Nelson, as said your modelling skills are exemplary, so I have no doubt your studying skills will live up to your usual standards, the very best,
  22. Hi guys, I know this is a bit on the late side, but anyone on here know anything about this "explosion" on the Dart !!! http://www.thejournal.ie/driver-hospitalised-after-explosion-on-dart-train-374961-Mar2012/
  23. Richie, that sir is the Beaujolais of model making craftsmanship, absolutely totally mega,
  24. Ching, €'s, Ching, €'s, Ching, €'s,
  25. Hi guys & thanks, I have checked out Parcelmotel & yes there is a number of their locations quite close to me, so I'll be giving them a try next time I buy something ! Paul
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