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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. I don't go with any kind of hero worship where PM is concerned, yes I'm very happy with models he has producted in the past, but take note, Fact no. 1 PM is a business man, he went into business producing something we, by coincidience have a great love of, Fact no. 2 As a businessman he makes profit, Fact no. 3 it was the customer who pointed out the mistakes / errors in the recent product, ( I have not heard of any comment / statement made by PM with regards this issues ). Now as I understand it with regard to consumer rights if you buy something & it's not what you paid for, you have the right in the first instance to a refund, or replacement, failing that you have the right to have the fault repaired. Yes PM has made us very happy with previous items of our interest, I wait to see what PM suggests what can be done to rectify these issues.
  2. Now isn't that a rare one !! One for the collector !!!!
  3. I remember one Sunday in Bray while talking to none other than Mr. Bracken about items he had for sale & while going through his items he picked up a steam loco & only then did he realise the flying snail logo on the right side was facing the wrong way !!
  4. Great bit of history there Minister, thanks for posting
  5. I'm glad someone else pointed that out, not to mention the two white "boards" one at each end of 5101 !
  6. I too fully agree with flange lubricator, & as I said before I won't be beating any path to PM 's as has been said on here at €56 a pop for what is supposed to be rtr out of the box, but not in this case, not before you go to your local paint shop for a respray, or weathering, after all is it Orange, Gold, or even Mustard, Brown, Tan, !!
  7. Don't ever remember using Vaseline work or other wise.
  8. Well done closetmodeller, looking pretty good, keep those pics coming
  9. Can we see 071's along side 088 so maybe we can judge for ourselves just what colour Orange or Red or Brown should be correct, & maybe we can judge for ourselves. that is of course as long as the photographer know's tan from brown !!! but then for all I know the photographer is colour blind, & he might even be working in the dark !!!!!!! he might have been working on a summers day !!!! but the light might have been very bright, especially here in Ireland the 40 shades are usually referred to GREEN
  10. Noel that looks amazing, can I sit in the bomber's seat anyway, you mentioned my adopted county, Wicklow, did you ever go up to the featherbed, as there's always guys flying all types of craft up there over the valley below,
  11. Thanks guys, never thought a 4-8-0 loco was ever on Irish railways,
  12. Anyone on here know anything about this http://www.ebay.ie/itm/231456884409?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648
  13. My very sincere condolences to you and your family JHB, what a truly amazing career your father had & what a legacy he has left for us to wonder at, a lifetime involved in what he obvisiously enjoyed, RIP Paul
  14. Ok for all you guys who know about these thongs, what's an A Class, B Class, C Class compared to a Metrovic, what's the difference, if any, thanks in advance
  15. Well Noel, I have to hand it to you, that sf do's look the business, fair play to you, compared to the Lima it do's look more like the prototype, we do have to remember we had to go to foreign shores long before someone here decided to do something about the lack of models of Irish locos, so lets no nock their efforts, as for myself I'm happy with my Lima's, so here's a question for you, what if you painted the Lima into the sf colour scheme, would the difference be so obvious at a glance, looking forward to the video,
  16. burnthebox

    RIP Bob Symes

    Sad news, a truly magnificent modeller, a sad loss, his skills were renowned worldwide, RIP
  17. No secret sociiety involved on this, you may remember I had a OO gauge A Class fitted with HO couplings & I was just wondering if it is possible to change the bogies / couplings without too much trouble,
  18. I'm thinking about the couplings, from HO to tension lock, as I just prefer the tension lock !!!
  19. Thanks UP6936 but I was actually thinking / wondering about Irish loco's that have HO bogies
  20. Thanks guys for that, that's cleared that up, now if you don't mind telling me is it a big deal to change the couplings, ( bogies ) from the HO to OO
  21. Thanks Brothe for that, now maybe I didn't explain my question correctly, for example if you see a HO loco that you would love to have in OO, lets say an A Class, in HO gauge, what exactly would have to be done, of possible, to obtain this, is it to do with the electrics, or is it more complicated than that,i know the size differs from HO to OO as I believe HO s smaller !
  22. Hi to all those of you out there who know about these things, I'm asking about HO & OO , by that I mean HO can run on OO track, & vise versa right ! But do's that mean the HO is of a different electrical voltage than OO & if not can a HO gauge be converted, if that's the right word into an OO gauge, I know the scale is different, eg 1.76 = OO gauge where's 1.87= HO, so is it possible, & would the difference be so noticeable, up close & personal like,
  23. By all means have your say, after all it 's what this site is about, I understand, if you see something that you think is looking positive, then say so, likewise if you think something dos'nt look right then say so, as for the the price of these new MM, I won't be beating a path to MM door any day soon, as has been said, they sure are fab, so are the cravens still in stores,
  24. Bloody hell Dave, that's a mega piece of workmanship, it really look's the business, it would break my heart to part with that, there's months of pleasure in running it, as a matter of interest how long did it take to build, & I hope it get's a good home, to some jammy B!!!!!!
  25. Kieran, I've been looking at your this tread again, & I have another question for you if you don't mind, what size is your shed in ft & in please, as I'm now seriously, very seriously thinking of starting to get going on my layout, I know I have a while to go just yet, but your total inspiritational workmanship in building your mega layout has really got me to start doing something now, even if it's only putting something on paper !
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