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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. DC yes that's it, exactely except my number is 230, don't know why you cannot see the link on page 1, don't understand what "unrebuilt " is, anyway I have a question for all you technics, I have a N Class which has been hotwired but there is a wire disconnected on it, however having got it fixed, can I get a sound card for this, & where, Thanks in advance, Paul
  2. Noel, that's it in the link I have on the earlier post, exactly as it was on the SF web site, black over orange, I'll try & get some pics up Paul
  3. burnthebox


    No not opening here
  4. Noel, that's great, even though I don't have a layout yet I'll be looking forward to your trials. & yes I really do like my Loco, even if it's only sitting on the dining room table, btw, I love the light dusting on your A Class, it looks mega Paul
  5. Ah Dive, did you have to, really have to say that, I was hoping nobody would say it living in hope
  6. Hi irishthump, whatever I have to do to get this loco running fast or slow, the one thing I will definitely not have to do is add weight, of any kind as Noel will I'm sure confirm Paul
  7. I Hi DC did the link not open for you, I don't know how to upload photo's onto this site yet,
  8. Like Noel said, if something's that good, then it's worth waiting for, so what's another year or 3 or 4, I'll wait
  9. Hi Alan haven't thought of any of those just yet, I don'nt know anything about cv's or decodes, but when I do get to fitting it with a decoder I'll be asking around here, nearly forgot, it is DCC readyi if that makes any difference
  10. Thanks Noel, just as it was on SF website, I didn't go for any "frills " I just wanted to get one & it was a Xmas present to boot Paul
  11. Only collected this on Friday, haven't had chance yet to run it, I'm not sure this link will work, so here go's one thing for sure is the weight, holy **** is it heavy https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/s/?view=att&th=14b5c2dd3b2a6ece&attid=0.1&disp=attd&realattid=1492313094570901504-local0&safe=1&zw
  12. Robbie, very well done, great bit of work you have done so far, looking forward to further pics & info on your plans for this class 33, keep the pics coming
  13. Noel, you're already getting my hope's up
  14. P Mayer, many thanks for that very informative explanation, & maybe MM will come good
  15. Imagine sitting, ( hypothetically speaking of course ) in the centre of the track with that thing comes hurtling out of the night, even the sight of it would scare the U NO WHAT outa ya,
  16. Noel, was this formerly a BR / USA, looks big enough for USA, what's the story as to where it came from, is there any similar BR / USA shunters around, thanks in advance,
  17. I hope this works cause I would like to know a bit more about it
  18. Well done robbie58, I do like your thinking of "modifying RTR stock to my liking ", my kind of thinking also, do keep the pics coming & maybe a video of your layout plans
  19. job171achill thanks for posting those, regarding the pic of the grain wagons, I seem to recall someone on here asking about similar photo's of wagons some time ago, whoever it was didn't know what they were
  20. Go ahead roxyguy & reprint it, what's the worst that the outcome would be, as everyone on here know's I'm all for rtr, & the more the better, for me if look's anything like the prototype, then for me it'll do, despite the fact that we have some really fantastic rtr MM models, they are in a very small number, & don't mention the elephant in the room, there was talk on another tread about the "H" van & others which is just another indication of what could be done,
  21. Hey guys, get down to Lidl this Thursday, http://www.lidl.ie/en/Offers.htm?id=397
  22. For those of you who are into planes, http://www.adverts.ie/models/large-ryanair-boeing-737-200-diecast-metal-model/7329406?utm_source=email&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=SearchAlert
  23. Eamon dare I say a "smashing job" only joking, bet your heart missed a beat, very nice piece of work
  24. Here's little bargin for someone, http://www.ebay.ie/itm/271736816443?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  25. Tell the truth, you put that on there yourself, blaming the Italian's is'nt fair.
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