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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Well said DiveController, I'm with you on that,
  2. OK Lads & Lassies, tomorrow is the big one, our old enemy is paying us a visit, let's give our lads our support,
  3. RIP Mr. Spock, you have gone to your final frontier
  4. Very best wishes to you both,
  5. Welcome back Chevron, OO gauge in the garden. !! Looking forward to seeming that, don't forget lot's of pics,
  6. Are you sure a few " graffiti artists " didn't get in during the night, having just found a blank canvas
  7. Well done Noel, for bringing that to our attention, take 17 bows,
  8. Hi portoman, I do beleive brake fluid is the stuff all right, but I think you may need to use a brush to rub the old signs off, but don't do anything just yet there'll be someone on here soon who know's exactly what to do, I'm very interested in this issue as well, Paul
  9. Mike 84C that's a really fine piece of work, well done
  10. And the "Point " of this exorcise, steer clear of Model Railways
  11. Happy Birthday Dave, hope you had a good one!!
  12. Hi guys, anyone on here looking for oe of these, contact Jenny. !! http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Skaledale-Bachmann-Scenecraft-OO-Gauge-Modern-Servicing-Depot-44-017-/271779764667?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f475619bb
  13. Hi Jimbo & welcome to the site, if you search on here you'll find lots of info regarding Airbrushing, compressors, tanks etc. etc. hope all go's well on the staying, but whatever you do don't mix the paint, thinners & electricity unless you'er a good distance away from the results, as you really will know what heat is in Dubai,
  14. I think I have a few of those wagons, albeit without the snails, at the moment,
  15. Well done George, looking mega, you're a busy man
  16. For a minute there Northman, I thought you had run off with the bargin of the year from Stillorgan, same seller has a "rare" waiting room, £9.99 I'd call it a coincidence as I have at least 2 !!!
  17. Exibition on old Midlands Great Western Railways http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/art-and-design/on-your-bike-artist-tracks-old-midlands-rail-routes-1.2105658
  18. Noel, was it the CIA or the KGB you worked for in you Spare time.
  19. Well Noel, where I live in Wicklow I know exactly what you mean by "twits in cars " as I remember I think the year was 2009, when I was stuck at home because of the depth of snow, not one, but two four wheel drives drove up past our house to wait for it, "Have a Look at the snow on the featherbed " & yes they got stuck & again I say, not one but two Air Core choppers flew up past us to airlift them out, & the really sic part of this, one of them a Company owner in yes Dublin was interviewed on RTE TV about their "Trauma" & you've guessed it they did'nt get a bill ! I think there called "Sunday Drivers " or something like that !!!!!
  20. Well done Dhu Varren, an excellent discription of what to do with your Lima 201's to boot them up, do you have any video.'s of yours running,
  21. Steventrain, thank for posting that little gem of info of a model shop I never knew existed, until now, next time I'm up that way I'll be paying it a visit,
  22. OK, let's here it for our boys in Green we have a great opportunity to make a stamp in our plans for the World cup
  23. jhb you're really showing your age now, or did you break open your little piggy box. :ROFL:
  24. Thanks Broithe for that, but I must say there's nothing like that on my screen, top or bottom,
  25. A question I have not related to this topic, except I would like to know who, or what are the "mod team"
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