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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Come on lads, remember vote EARLY & VOTE OFTEN, a truly mega goal,
  2. Geoff, mind me asking where you got those Guinness tankers, btw, I love the construction work, also the emergiency services look mega, the fire is a totally awsome piece of modelling I haven't seen the equal of before, well done,
  3. Well lads, irishthump, Noel I actually have those on my watch list, but as I'm planning to get it converted, I was'nt in too much of a hurry about those, but not wishing to put a spanner in it, but I have a C Class on order fron SFM due some day next week, The bottom line for me is I just love those cie A & C Class's no matter how far of the mark they are,
  4. Anto, don't you have a few rakes of those
  5. Guys, with thedcc & all wheel pick up, would it really be that much work to make it kinds like an A Class, what exactly would you have to do to have a likeable A Class !!! Btw, what's a bobo & what's a coco (other than the night drink )
  6. Hi guys & thanks, now let me explain something about model trains, or real trains for that matter, if I was run over by a bo-bo or a co-co I wouldn't have a clue what it was, I just have a love for model trains & if that loco never ran with those carriages, whatever train, then I wo'nt tell the conductor !! I also have 2 Lima A Class's in cie livery, same as the 2 on Noel's post, one has a new motor fitted, & this is the Heljan I got recently, http://www.ebay.ie/itm/OO-Gauge-Heljan-3322-Class-33-6591-BR-Blue-DCC-Ready-/390974936679?rd=1&ssPageName=STRK:MERFB:IID
  7. Hi guys, I have only very recently got hold of an Class 33 which is DCC ready, with the intention of converting it to an A Class, now I'm no perfectionist so if the windows, doors etc. are in the wrong place so be it, if it looks anything like an A Class that'll do me, I only need to have it sprayed first, then I'll get a sound card, if possible & see how it runs & sounds, at this junction I believe there is no sound card available but I have been told mrsoundguy is working on one, PS forgot to mention it's a Heljan, sorry don't know if this makes any difference
  8. Lidl are at it again with this Compressor, this time they have two, http://www.lidl.ie/en/Offers.htm?id=367
  9. This must be a special at this rice, & if it's in the wrong box, then someone put I in the right box http://www.ebay.ie/itm/LIMA-205159-IE-CIE-IRISH-RAILWAYS-CLASS-201-LOCO-216-RIVER-DODDER-MINT-BOXED-nc-/331422674305?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item4d2a54ad81 So this is where it was supposed to go, WOW, well you learn something new every day,
  10. There is no EBay Thread, there is an EBay watch !!! Which only lets me reply to treads !!!!!
  11. Yes, but that dos'nt give me the option to post a New Tread about something for sale on EBay !! It only let's me reply to other treads !!!!
  12. Hi guys, anyone on here fitted a Lima A Class with DCC & sound,
  13. Exactly, when I posted an item recently on "For Sale"which was on EBay, I was told to put EBay items on the EBay tread, but I no longer see an EBay tread!!!!
  14. Hi Geoff, that look's fantastic, I love the slow running of your trains, you have a whole World going on up there, keep those pics & video's coming, well done, by the way Geoff welcome to the site, there's always something going on here lots of info & the abuse is free,
  15. Folks, where's the EBay tread please, as I keep getting in bother for not putting things on EBay for sale in the right place
  16. Let's here it for the girl, a cracker of a goal, the way she maneuvered that ball reminded me of Charlie George in a cup final,get voting guys,
  17. A very Happy New Year everyone, the best of health & happiness to one & all on here or even associated with here, have a great 2015, may all your wishes come true.
  18. Happy Birthday Pat, enjoy every minute, tomorrow you'll only be a year older
  19. Hi guys, don't know what a "cove" is but no matter, Ballina is my favourite town in the west, I have only recently discovered that my surname may have come from the Aran Islands many years ago, something to do with the famine !! funny world at times
  20. Anto, what's that got to do with anything, I don't care if he' s joined the clergy, or KKK if he's still available to talk !!! Then ask him, or ask him to contact me please, please, Paul
  21. OK Kieran, that's some workload you have produced there, very well done, now tell us what's your plans for 2015
  22. Hi Eoin, would this include DCC Thanks Paul
  23. Love those photo's & yes I really liked the shots of the freight wagons, I also really like the pics of the Shunters, well done, ps can anyone continue & turn the rest of the photo's please, thanks in advance
  24. A very Happy Birthday Fran, hope Santa didn't mix up your presents, have a great one,
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