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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Glenderg, got to hand it to you, you certainly have the magic touch, so what I'm prepared to do, as if I was ever prepared, is get out a Lima ( BR ) & take it apart,before I attempt the Lima Irish, thanks again, & I will let you know the results, good or bad,
  2. Hi & many thanks Glenderg for that, & no I do'nt have the roof off, & after carefully reading those instructions, nothing wrong with any part of it, it's just lately I'm a bit of a hamfist when it comes to dismantling something I may one day I hope get some pleasure out of, in the meantime, it'll sit with the other items for some work,
  3. Hi all, anyone on here know how to Separate Lima MK3 Body from Undercarriage, it's supposed to be easy !!!!
  4. Noel, without a doubt you have what I can only describe as a truly heart stopping model railway layout, and stock, lot's of it to run on it as well, as for sound, if it works, great, if it doesn't well don't tell the conductor, looks totally mega,
  5. Kirley, fair bloody play to ya, there looking just mega, well done, keep the pics coming,
  6. Hi timmy, she sure look's the part, well done
  7. I only mentioned this about 30 minutes ago, to someone who I thought might have some knowledge on these kind of things, this problem has been here on this tab for months, anyway, seem's all's well now,
  8. Very, very, well done Ken, that's looking just mega, now keep those pics coming, & welcome aboard,
  9. Very well done, she is looking a real beauty, paid off in the end, that's what personel satisfaction & hard work can give you, the feeling of having built something yourself,
  10. PS when do's the voting close
  11. Jesus guys, at this stage I would be talking to my lawyer, money dos'nt come easy, especially mine, so think long & hard, but not too long ,
  12. Happy birthday man, that's another notch up, after 70 who's counting. :banana:
  13. Hi guys, I'm looking for 4 bogies for two (2) Lima coaches. A mk 2 & mk3, with metal wheels. Anyone got them to sell give me a pm. Thanks in advance, if not any suggestions as to where I might look, btb
  14. Beautiful, just mega, Kieran, keep those video's coming,
  15. A class, DCC, C class DCC ( love this idea, well done)
  16. Check the name of the seller,
  17. Hi guys, have a look at what's on here, http://www.ebay.ie/itm/390971096041?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648
  18. Yes, K, let's hear it for the Railways, thanks for posting
  19. Well done Ben, great find lot's of stuff on there, thanks for posting, really enjoyed that,
  20. Anto, I could get all hot just thinking of touching that beauty, masterclass, absolutely stunning,
  21. Well that's the other side of the coin, or is it,
  22. Rebelred, that sure is looking very smart, and comfortable too, well done, keep the pics coming,
  23. Noel, just pure magic, who done, superb piece of work
  24. Anto, Knowing what you can, I'm not even disappointed, carry on sir,
  25. http://s67.photobucket.com/user/anthon007/media/10653584_838836282817993_2724458734469774712_n.jpg.html Anto, am I imagining things, even seen things, or is this window "Open"
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