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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Always remember the old saying, if it's not broken, then don't try to fix it
  2. Just to wish everyone on here, part of here, associated with here, a very Safe, Happy, Peaceful, Christmas, & all the best for your good wishes for 2015,
  3. On the question of Peco code ??? has anybody done anything to the point that may have effected the running, if not then why do's the Lima's run as we expect them to, is it luck ! just asking, for future references
  4. NIR+++ How the bloody hell did I not see these before now, just fantastic work, very well done sir, a really very good job, you have totally restored my believe in repainting mk3s, & others for that matter, I did not as yet see any video as yet, !! keep those pics etc. coming,
  5. The postage is only £21.00
  6. RL, looking good, already got a head start on a lot of us on here, me included, you have the shed, so lots of planning over the Christmas, & as you say you have the Boss on your side !!! keep us posted with pics & videos, Happy Christmas
  7. Bloody hell, for a minute there I could have sworn I saw someone walking past the window inside the building on the left, totally magical,
  8. Noel, maybe give this guy a try, I got his info from someone on here, haven't tried him yet, but he has what Iwould call a large paint supply,makes up what colours you want, http://www.vinnybyrne.com/custom-aerosols-paint/bs-ral-pms-color.html?manufacturer=12
  9. Just breathtaking Anthoney as all ways, & a very Happy Christmas to you & yours for 2014, already looking forward to more of your magic touch in 2015
  10. Would it have I looked anything like this ! http://www.ebay.ie/itm/251710078412
  11. Bloody hell, I totally enjoyed that, where men were men & work got done & everything in between was enjoyed. Thanks for posting heirflick, that was very enjoyable,
  12. A very Happy Birthday Richie, have a good one,
  13. Thanks guys, now can you tell me is there a suitable oil or grease for locomotives as the loco in question is quite a bit noisy,
  14. Hi Broithe & thanks, I'm talking about the Northern Counties Committee NCC Loco, I suppose it is called Jinty,I have only known it as the NCC loco,
  15. Hi guys, anyone on here ever had to remove the body off an NCC loco, as I may have to do that very soon, also what type of oil is best to use when applying oil to the area's on a loco, thanks in advance,
  16. John, when you mention the Hotel Victor, are you talking about the one on Rochestown Avenue, Co. Diblin, I got quite a few bits there myself,
  17. Amen, at last, now we're getting somewhere,
  18. I'm with DiveController on this, as I have a few 141's & a couple of brand new loco's, that have been sitting in a shed for the past two (2 ) years or more, so knowledgeables, please take us poor souls to the " How To Section "
  19. http://www.irishscalemodeller.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1683&sid=1702e3b531917250bed2462acde27781 Anyone on here know anything about these, wrenneire wasto get back with info. !!!
  20. Aldi have these in the coming days, On Sunday 14th Dec. https://www.aldi.ie/en/specialbuys/sunday-14-december/products-detail-page/ps/p/airfix-starter-set-1/
  21. Yeh,that was a bit of a disappointment
  22. Nelson you did say spoil wagons didn't you, just asking. !!
  23. There you go with the KGB,CIA talk, what's B&T A3, Black A8, I won't tell a soul, not a word, honest, but no waterboarding, OK
  24. I'm with Georgeconna on this one, very much so,
  25. '[quote
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