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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Hi Harlandic28 & welcome to the site, lots of help & info on here, & yes we do like photo's & video's, so do post some, btb
  2. ON EBAY for those who need these things Bachmann Murphy Models MM0142 CIE 142 black/orange http://www.ebay.ie/itm/111664637040?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  3. Superb piece of running Noel, just love that A Class, very niceiece of work, & btw which of your loco's will run up that gradient, will the A Class with / without hauling anything, & thanks for posting,
  4. May not post to Ireland !
  5. Sandwiches, & not a corked bottle in sight, uuuggg,,
  6. Thanks gar, do'nt know just what I was thinking, if at all,
  7. There's a Bachmann " Y " Class, or as we call it the " N " Class which I think should make a good candidate for an NCC Loco, of course I could be very wrong, no doubt someone on here will confirm, there's a reference to the N Class on an earlier tread, about taking the body off an N Class,
  8. It won't, simple as
  9. Did I really have too, oh well OK, I did but I'm so jealous, my shed is still awaiting my entrance,
  10. Sorry guys, I should have put this in the Q & A tread, & no What I meant was after removing the numbers, could you do a respraying, touch up on the area before attaching new numbers, decals, PS Mods move this to the correct tread if you wish
  11. Have to agree with garfieldsghost, to my Specsavers eyesight the running plate do's look a bit, dare I say warped, it could be as a result of soldering, ie, heat, but I have never soldered anything, have you looked at the pics yourself on a PC or IPad etc.
  12. After doing this, & you're intending to respray the loco or carriage, would the new paint cover everything perfectely.
  13. Hi guys, so just in case, Ikea are selling Coffins, & btw, there SELF ASSEMBLY, :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:
  14. I've read on here somewhere that a little nail varnish remover do's the trick, again as said with cotton buds
  15. Hi MikeO & welcome to the site, lots of info on here, but alas I would'nt be any use, don't worry someone will be along soon with all the answers, don't forget we like photo's & video's, enjoy
  16. Happy Birthday Broithe, & welcome to the life of retirement, now you can really enjoy the pleasures of life, no more work schedules, time keeping, traffic jams, it's yippie from here on,
  17. Amen to that BosKonay, that's just what I was thinking,
  18. If you can get it with DCC I believe there mega as Heljan models are very nice
  19. I didn't know there were restrictions ! on reviewing / looking back over items / posts posted on this site at an earlier date & time,
  20. Like Noel I never set eyes on this until today, & what a sight, totally drop dead magic, the sound is I think spot on, & please do keep the pics & video's coming,
  21. So as I was born in 1948 AD which makes me 66 YEARS ! do's that mean I'm not talking / using the correct term for my age & if I'm not what should I be saying, like should I be saying Kilometers, which would by my reckoning make me about 100.2 Kilometers,
  22. I have to say that's not looking too good for my plans for my shed any good
  23. Quote Broithe, " People here are mad on Imperial", had a few litres of that myself......
  24. Thankfully she's in that position purposefully, isn't she !!
  25. Please sir just a few more 141's..
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