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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. So where do's one get their paws on Murphys preproduction models !!!
  2. Hi Broithe, & thanks, well that'll teach me to LOOK at the thing
  3. Judging by the stock he has it dos'nt seem to have had much effect on this guy, depending of course on your point of view. !!
  4. Hi Noel, that pic is a blast from the past, but a great dare I say little aircraft !! What make is that plane, Paul
  5. Here's something you Aircraft modellers may wish to model !! http://www.aerlingus.com/travelinformation/irfu/index.html?rrid=70884551&rmid=20150513_ROI_Newsletter_IRFU&utm_source=general_offers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=15week20_13052015_roi_irfu&utm_term=ireland#video
  6. The great RTE Broadcaster & TV Presenter Derek Davis has died at the age of 67yrs. RIP
  7. And we have progressed !
  8. Who said it's not Paddy Murphy's own layout !!!
  9. If that scenery continues on the same vein, which I have no doubt it will, next thing we'll see on this is some gardener / groundsman mowing the grass, it's looking so bloody real, very well done TDR,
  10. Anyone on here remember a previous, similar sale in Marks Models, I certainly do not, & I'm talking history, that's probably why I do'nt have a stock of Murphy Models, but thankfully it beat's the s***e outa some of the stuff that's presently on Ebay, let's hope there's more to come,
  11. A's for the "ACID" man, bring back the LSD, otherwise known a floathing, especially when your in bed,
  12. You've either been sneaking a peek at Dave's, wrenneire, or Noel's, River Shannon's attic's, but even so I do think I seen that site before, like a couple of 3 years ago, & not just on this site ! I also believe the owner is living on this Island !
  13. Ridley, sorry to hear your under the weather !! by all means look after your health first, the trains will always be there, keep in touch, best regards btb
  14. Hi all knowledgeables out there, as you may see I never did get an answer to the above question, so I'm asking again, as I'm in the process of attempting to do a little servicing on some of my "older" loco stock, just in case !!!!
  15. Of course it sounds like a tractor, sure did'nt ya get it in " Wickla "
  16. OK Noel, tell the truth, you put ethanol in just to see how she would run
  17. That sure do's look the business, well done richrua, keep the pics coming,
  18. Noel what the hell did you do to that Class 33m totally awesome, pity there was no passengers
  19. Thanks Railer, didn't see the SMALL PRINT ! Don't know why it's not advertised on their site !!!
  20. aclass007 is there a Marks Models Shop somewhere near you as there's no sign of any sale on their site !!
  21. Hiya yankho, & welcome to the site, lot's of very helpful guys on here with lots of helpful advice & suggestions, & of course abuse, all of which comes free, so as Warbonnet has said plough through the site & see what's on here, & enjoy your time,
  22. Was that not a call from C.A.B.
  23. until
  24. I may have put this comment into the wrong tread, or I may even have referred to the wrong man, apologies all round, I also think I may have used the name Kevin instead of Kieran !!! sorry guys. :doh:
  25. Bloody magic, there's a few, maybe quite a few Lima's out there that will be saved with this kinda work, well done Kevin
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