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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Great work going on there TDR, an inspiration to all, very well done, keep it up, & the pics, mind telling me what your baseboard is made of,
  2. Welcome back IR & well done, you had certinately done a lot to that layout since I first seen it in 2012, when I used to be working, now very happily retired, & now you have moved you'll have a great chance to build what you want. I do remember seeing the container crane & the clamped car, ( poor bugger ) & as you'er now building a new layout, I'll be watching with great interest, I'm starting planning mine at this time, so keep the pics coming, & the best of luck. I had not seen the two oil drums before, mind telling me where you got them, PS I can feel the heat from that stove even here !!!
  3. A Musical genius, Mr. James Last has moved on to a better place, His Musical talent will live on forever, I do believe he had a special place in his heart for Ireland, RIP
  4. That might be ok in Dublin, but let's not try that in Dubai,
  5. Hi Chevron, sorry I won't be much help with this for you, but I know there's no restrictors on models, that I know of, but what model is it & what type of controller are you using, it's possible the loco is set at a slow speed, it dos'nt sound like a serious issue, one of the experts on here will have all the answers for you soon enough, if it was a Honda 750cc you'er on about, well that would be right down my street,
  6. Try telling the women folk that..............
  7. Well guys, I'm pleased at the imput on this, & for what it's worth, would the fact that the prices, & not all, were in Sterling, because if something was say, £10.00 it might be kinda tempting, a sure it's not too bad a price, but if the same item in question is in Euro, it's about €14.00 or there about's, maybe not such a bargin !!! If it was a bargin in the first place !!!
  8. As said earlier I enjoyed the show, but forgot to mention the number of stall holders showing Sterling prices for their items, & not Euro !!! I know many of the stalls were from the UK, giving that they in general would be making some profit with the Sterling / Euro exchange rate, so why they were advertising their items in Steling only I thought was a bit of a put off, just saying,
  9. Well IR, I enjoyed the show today & got what I'd call a couple of bargains !! enjoyed the banter as always, & I too remember the Victor, must be getting old...............
  10. May we never forget the sacrifice's made by those on what ever side, some of whom made the ultimate sacrifice, may the rest in peace,
  11. Well done EP, you sure have put a lot of thought & work into your layout to date, you'll soon be needing to get a bigger table or start thinking about where to move it to next, you said something about a house move, is the attic available, very well done so far, & yes keep the pics coming,
  12. Pardon me sir's but what's "braced plywood " as I'll be needing this kind of info at this time as I'm now in the planning stage of my layout !!
  13. Hi IR, if it's the baseboard you're talking about, you've only just beaten me to that question, as I'm about, at last to start planning my layout. I'm very sure someone will be along soon with all the answers as to the various types available. I think there's a fairly good variety available now, not like when the choice was planks, or planks, !! best of luck anyway, & don't forget the photo's
  14. Dave'y boy, are Marks Models not displaying their wares at this one, also under AOB what are these "exhibitors / toy fairer's " displaying, selling, bartering, maybe even giving away!!!!!'
  15. According to Marks web site there's still a lot of stuff to shift, & yes I to would love to see that sale continuing, at least for another while, I'd love at least one of these, 7071 or 7078, well to tell the truth the two of them,
  16. Hi Jim & welcome to the site, as said there's lot's of guys on here who'll give you all the info you need, & abuse, all free, best of luck with your plans, oh & we all love plenty of photo's & videos,
  17. Enniscorthyman, Don't get too downhearted, it's not over till the fat lady sings, & it's not over yet, I think,
  18. Dave my boy, as it's such a bargin & at only £4,000 grab it quick, there's 7 offers in already,
  19. Errr, gar, I was talking about the prototype, honest, honest I was
  20. Quote: The bogie snapped due to a weld repair, read on, PS There's only 7 offers to date !!
  21. OK & that thing also snapped it's front bogies, & as I said I won't be rushing out to buy it. !! & as for the Euro millions do you not know that's also fixed, but go ahead,
  22. Quote: About the model or the prototype? Warbonnet, Which ever you feel most knowlagable about, kind sir,
  23. EBAY Now, L.H.LOVELESS & CO GAUGE 1 BRASS W1 10000 HUSH HUSH LNER 4-6-4 STEAM LOCOMOTIVE Hi guys, someone tell me about this, but don't worry,I'm not rushing in to buy, http://www.ebay.ie/itm/L-H-LOVELESS-CO-GAUGE-1-BRASS-W1-10000-HUSH-HUSH-LNER-4-6-4-STEAM-LOCOMOTIVE-/201354812249?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2ee1ae9b59
  24. Gentlemen, far be it from me to burst your bubble with your hopes for an economical, practical passenger, freight rail service operating in this Country, now or in the near future. On a much smaller scale, let me give you an example of a very recent personal experience I have had which involved city engineeres, town planners, the kind of people we rely on to get the infrastructure of this little country right. As you may know I'm a wheelchair user & while in town recently I managed to find a vacant wheelchair parking space. Heaving parked my car appox. 4ft from the pavement in order for me to access my wheelchair, having done so, I then discovered there was no ramp for me to access the pavement. Such is the planning by the many "genious'es past & present so called engineer's in Ireland.
  25. Bloody hell Eamon you don't half know how to rub it in, they're just totally mega, & chipped, & oh yes I'm jealous, very well done again, Paul
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