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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Hi agoose & welcome to the site, I'm sorry but I wouldn't be of any help on that question, but if you contact wrenneire of this parish he if nobody else will have the info your looking for, I wouldn't be surprised to find he may have a few of those in his closet, or cave!!
  2. Morning DC, in answering your own question, do's that mean it is possible, without too much work,
  3. Thanks IT, so is it a sound chip, sound decoder, or sound card that go's into the loco, or are they all the same thing, just different names for the same thing, & yes I haven't got a clue about these things, thanks Paul
  4. Sorry about that it, should have said what's the difference in the decoders in the MM as compared to ESU, etc. is the quality better or what, thanks, Paul
  5. Slightly aside from the Jinty sound issues, anyone know anything about MM sound decoders, which are available for the 071, thanks guys,
  6. Many thanks guys, following on what DV said, I just thought of this, nobody has said anything about the coal bunker, would that not be another option,
  7. Hi guys, I have been reading this over the past half hour ( cannot understand how I missed it ) & I'm totally gobsmacked at the knowledge of you guys regarding DCC, I'm saying right now I haven't a clue as to what cv's or all the other stuff you guys refer to on the tread, but no matter, the other thing I think I noticed was the no reference to the Hornby Select or Elite, anyone care to comment on these, thanks in advance
  8. Morning Noel & guys, I won't say I thought of that, but as I have 2 0-6-0 loco's that are DCC, I'm going to give one of them a try, not just yet though, it may have to be on the dining room table, & yes I know that's not perfect but I might get some idea as to the logic !! in continuing to do this, I do remember reading an article some years ago where a guy had a DCC loco, 0-6-0 connected to a wagon which had the speaker installed inside, that may be the way I'll have to go, time will tell, thanks again, Paul
  9. Hi Alan, have a look at this, might be worth it for the price to play around with for practice purposes, & don't forget more pics, http://www.ebay.ie/itm/131509633727?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648
  10. Thanks guys, that'll be one for the records, will be needing a couple over time,
  11. Hi all, anyone on here know if there's a sound chip available for the NCC loco, thanks in advance
  12. Well done Allen, you have done a very good job on that, & as jhb said the absence of the CIE rounded looks like weathering, even so I wouldn't worry about that as if you want to put the CIE roundel on it's not that hard I'm sure, I have an 08 DCC fitted from the Hornby mixed freight set & I'm hoping to do the same some day, when I get into my shed, btw what paint did you use, thanks
  13. Nelson congratulations, that's a mega piece of workmaship, you & your Dadshould be very proud of that, I just love the horse & dray, & the bridge & the stream is so realistic, very well done,
  14. DC, I thought that auction was World Wide, as for the foolish Irish, well maybe only half of them, the other half are not in Ireland, :ROFL:
  15. While I echo DC's sentiments, but having served with the United Nations I have for a long time questioned the practicality of a United Nations military force that stands by & let's warmongers & the like do as they please, & in particular the Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon who pontificates with phrases like, "this is unacceptable " get me a bucket, Rwanda, & Serbia springs to mind,
  16. Bloody hell, I was so wrong, not only did I put my earlier post on this item in the wrong reply, (sorry DV ) but I'm shocked to see that sold, & not only sold but for a small fortune, always said Ireland is loaded, with fool's & money
  17. As the minister has said, the pallet lying underneath would stem from the early 60's, which may give a clue to a date
  18. Broithe, you could have walked heal to toe & maybe got some kind of measurement, now go back to Shopshire & measure them =))
  19. Broithe, you could have walked heal to toe & maybe got some kind of measurement, now go back to Shopshire & measure them
  20. Don't suppose they'd try a drop of oil, :ROFL:
  21. Thanks Broithe for posting those pics, some very neat wagons on that & some more to restore,,
  22. Hi Ciaran & sorry about the mixup & thanks, I was beginning to think it was some kind of a Shunter as the back of the wagon looked like the hood of a Shunter,
  23. How the hell did I miss this tread, love the mix with the b&t & the wagons, also those buildings look the business, hard to believe they are card, also the turntable, is it electric & what make is it, well done so far,
  24. Hi Noel, while browsing through treads, I noticed something on this one of yours, which I cannot make out exactely what it is, to be more specific it's to the right of B142 & the left of 227, unless of course I'm seeing things, which would'nt be unusual !!!
  25. Harlandic28 the last 3 attachments are not showing, but very well done so far, don't hesitat to contact a mod on her if you need info on attachments, btb
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