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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Nice one, Des!
  2. The addition of the generator van means they have to remove one coach from the rake... I think there may be issues with train lengths either at Connolly or Belfast Central.
  3. Seen at York Road last Saturday: http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/21680457_6KfDSc#!i=1817619843&k=36VMsjM&lb=1&s=XL Wonder how much longer it'll be until we see them in service?
  4. You should start a topic in the Workbench section when you get started... it'd be nice to see how the build progresses, plus you can get advice along the way if you need it.
  5. This is the eBay watch thread, Conor.
  6. Re. Hidden-Agenda's point about having decent light... I'd recommend getting a magnifying lamp (like this one: http://affordaproducts.com/Images/LM763.jpg) if you'll be doing a lot of kit-building. They really do make a difference, especially when it comes down to the fine detailing. I received one as a gift, so I'm not sure how much they cost in the shops, but from looking on eBay you can pick them up there for around €40-€50 + P&P.
  7. Fingers crossed, Rich... that's the model I'd love to see above all else!
  8. Ah, it's in Belfast... close enough!
  9. 2900 emu? No one told me they electrified the Larne line!
  10. For a plastic kit like the Dapol tanker, I find the best adhesive to use is something like Humbrol Liquid Poly. It comes in a little glass jar and has a brush attached to the inside of the cap (similar to a jar of ladies' nail varnish). It essentially 'welds' the plastic together, forming a very strong bond. It's also worth investing in a set of cutting knives.
  11. Again, stunning work! What made you choose it?
  12. Richie, that has to be St. Mel's Cathedral in Longford! Or at least how it used to look before the fire...
  13. A saving of £70.50... not bad!
  14. Try Bott Books - I posted the link in reply to Fran's post a short while back.
  15. Ah, yes - the Edgeworthstown 'cigarette break'... I've spent a long time sitting there because of that! The station building there is a good choice, as it's a typical example of the design used along the Sligo line.
  16. Just slightly before the Black & Tan era, Seamus, but whilst going through 'Irish Railways In Colour: A Second Glance' by Tom Ferris earlier, I remembered that there's a photo in that book of a grey and yellow 121 sitting at the Galway platforms of Mullingar with an east-bound cattle train. Page 42...
  17. I think that would pretty much cover it, Des. I guess anyone looking for the kits would need enough to make a full rake - same as the bubbles, I'd say. Re. skirting, I guess only one type had what you'd call 'skirting', but it's really bracing for the tank. Both types can be seen in this shot: http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20F/Foynes/slides/Foynes_20100818_002_CC_JA.html
  18. The Sentinels were interesting little locos and the Dapol model really captures the feel of the prototype. Have you tried testing how much it can haul?
  19. Would love if somebody (*cough* Weshty? *cough*) could produce a detailing kit for the tankers, specifically the ladders and walkways, as the walkways supplied with the kit aren't quite right and the plastic ladder looks a bit too chunky. Maybe also an option for the two different types of skirting that run along the base of the tank...
  20. Some footage of the Southern unit on its first revenue-earning run can be seen from 3:25 of this clip: [video=youtube;-gsuMciaP_w]
  21. Should be able to find them on Amazon, Fran. If not, try Martin Bott Books: http://www.bottbooks.com. Guys like Des McGlynn and Clifton Flewitt may also have them on their stalls at model shows, etc.
  22. I'd say it was a good feeling to sit behind that wheel again, Anto!
  23. Some of you may be familiar with 'Everard Junction' on YouTube. For those of you who do not know, he's currently constructing a layout in his loft and is documenting the build on YouTube by posting a series of excellent tutorials as he goes. While he focuses on a UK theme, most of what he does is also applicable when building an Irish-outline layout. Highly recommended for beginners and seasoned modellers alike. Link to his YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/EverardJunction/videos
  24. until
    From the First Bangor Model Railway Club website:
  25. until
    From the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland website: Booking form here: https://kiosk.iristickets.co.uk/k?BWC&sjazz&amppromo=rpsi&ka=STI
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