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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Ha, I walked into that one! Hope she gets it.
  2. Some papers in Australia and the USA couldn't help but work in some racial stereotyping about the Irish (i.e. drinking gallons of Guinness and whiskey, etc.) after Katie's last victory. Wonder what we can expect if she gets through to the final!?
  3. I'd say that would've been a meeting full of robust language!
  4. The story I heard from a per way guy I know who has been working with the new auto-ballasters is that they're using 4-wheelers for some jobs because the autos were built to the existing 4ft 8.5in guage specs, meaning they don't dispense ballast in the correct position. Guess the older wagons have a stay of execution until they can devise a modification...
  5. I have a photo of one of those ex-MGWR horse boxes. Must dig it out and scan it for you. Fantastic modelling!
  6. Aye, the SD-40-2s they ran with were known as 'Fast 40s' because they were re-geared especially to run with the Centennials, with a top speed of 80mph instead of the normal 65mph.
  7. Garfield

    E Class

    Have plans for both E401 and E421 classes if you still need them, Dave.
  8. Uh oh... The Athearn model looks fantastic. Trying hard to resist the urge to upscale to American HO...
  9. Looks like they're standard 4-wheel flat wagons with open bodies mounted on them...
  10. John, that's a work of art!
  11. Ha, quality! Got to watch the opening ceremony in 3D because my dad recently splashed out and bought a fancy telly and surround sound. I was floored... a beautifully stunning work of creative vision and choreography. And a nice touch with the lighting of the flame, too.
  12. Love that album, Dave, although I find myself listening to some of the later albums more (especially Trans-Europe Express, The Man-Machine, and Computer World). They had an eight-night residency in the Museum of Modern Art in New York a short while back where they played an entire album live each night... what I would've given to be there!
  13. Heard a lot of negative comments about it alright. Still... there's no denying she's got some classic pop tunes up her sleeve (when she wears something with sleeves, that is)!
  14. The entire estate is a shambles. There are no sewage vents (which caused a methane build up which recently caused an explosion in one of the unoccupied houses), there are no fire hydrants and the whole project was built on land that's renowned for practically becoming a lake in wintertime. Footpaths are crumbling and last week two houses had to be evacuated because of dangerously high carbon monoxide levels. Some serious blunders made at several different stages, even before the first sod was turned!
  15. http://www.longfordleader.ie/news/local/video-report-demolition-of-gleann-riada-apartment-block-commences-1-4075467 Goes to show how shoddy some of the Celtic Tiger workmanship was... this building would've been a death-trap if it had ever been occupied. (PS: yes, that's me talking )
  16. Tasty! Beautiful attention to detail... including the IÉ orange backing on the marker lights!
  17. A fleet of Connolly MPDs... makes a change from fleets of MM 141s! Excellent work!
  18. Gotta love Blondie - still a great live act, too.
  19. Some fab scenic modelling there!
  20. I've moved the retailers and pricing conversation to a seperate thread as it had dragged this one completely off topic. Click here to go to it. Garfieldsghost
  21. Looking good! You've got a nice space there with that shed... looks cosy, too. Great to see a lot of people here using helixes (or helices?) - they really do help to maximise the space available.
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