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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Don't forget the 10ft CIÉ Uniload containers either
  2. Thanks Richie! Now all that's needed is for one of our resident manufacturers to produce transfers for the Sperry wagon...
  3. Nice footage there of an A class at full throttle! The ore was originally transported to Arklow for transfer to ships there...
  4. Do you have a link to the images, Richie? I'd be interested to see them
  5. Thanks for that
  6. Sure wasn't roses... it was the staff. The signal cabin must be beside where he was standing.
  7. Hi Frank, The Sperry wagon is an ultrasonic testing machine which scans the rails to monitor the integrity of the steel. The tank wagons are only in the consist to provide extra braking power, as the Sperry is apparently quite heavy and the loco brake on 071s is 'soft'. It's really just a case of attaching whatever wagons are available at the time. The Sperry train has previously used the new spoil wagons for the same purpose: http://www.flickr.com/photos/be216cd1/6754449143/
  8. Looking forward to watching your progress with it!
  9. Steam all the way!
  10. I'd say they're just there to increase braking power. A loco one wagon would be harder to stop, especially as the the 071's loco brake is notoriously 'soft'...
  11. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the show, but I hope it's a success.
  12. Different place, so... just remembered Leinster Models were on Leinster Road.
  13. Was that Leinster Models? They produced some O gauge kits at one point, as well as making stock for the Fry Model Railway.
  14. Superb modelling... you'd never guess it was kitbuilt!
  15. I have an OO scale Lima horsebox in LMS livery that's identical to the one in that auction pic, John. What Irish van is closest to it? GSWR?
  16. I think there was a compromise plan which involved building new houses around it. I'll find out the exact story for you tomorrow. His wife's homeplace isn't too far away from me. That house is derelict now, but it's where their wedding breakfast was hosted. Apparently Michael Collins knocked great fun out of the nosy kids peering over the wall at the event by spraying them with a soda siphon!
  17. Seamus, if you're interested in the general history aspect of that site, they have a new audio section featuring recordings of figures such as Maud Gonne, Sean T O'Kelly and W T Cosgrave. Of course, as a Longford man, I was especially interested in the recording of General Seán MacEoin... http://www.bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie/voicerecordings.html
  18. Hi Frank, you're correct in thinking that horseboxes were listed as passenger stock. However, while some may have just about lasted into the 'black & tan' era, I don't think any were ever turned out in that livery. I'd say JHB171achill could provide a definitive answer on this...
  19. I have that book and it is indeed an excellent read.
  20. Found this on the Bureau of Military History website and thought it would be of interest: http://photogallery.bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie/displayimage.php?album=23&pid=41#top_display_media http://photogallery.bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie/displayimage.php?album=25&pid=40#top_display_media Presumably built for use in the Civil War. Would make fascinating scratchbuilding projects...
  21. A few of these wagons have cropped up from time to time in the past few years. They seem to have been employed mostly by the S&T department in more recent times to carry a tracked crane when signals were being installed or removed. The formation of such trains was usually one well wagon sandwiched by a pair of bogie flats. I wonder if this is the same one that was last seen in a corner of Waterford yard? Another two were last seen in North Wall just before it was rationalised, but presumably the scrapman got to them...
  22. Looks excellent! I need to make a couple of those whenever I get around to constructing my N gauge US-outline layout...
  23. Fantastic stuff... she's done the nation proud!
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