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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Starting this Wednesday evening, presented by Chris Tarrant.
  2. Is that not where your mother-in-law sleeps? Actually, never mind... I don't think I want to know the answer to that question!
  3. Thankfully, it's not my Twitter profile pic anymore!
  4. Impersonating a loco is one thing... impersonating one that hasn't turned a wheel for the best part of 30 years is something else altogether!
  5. Yes, I realised that. You'll have to get something American for Fran...
  6. Who's been stalking me to get that pic? Nice choice of motive power...
  7. Aye, will do... was asked if I'd do a write-up on the conversion for New Irish Lines as well, so the pressure is on!
  8. Finding those photos was a happy coincidence, as there's a couple that include CIÉ pallet vans: ...And when I got home this evening there was a package containing a Parkside Dundas BR Palvan kit, which I'm hoping to bash into one of those wagons.
  9. I'd say that was down to adhesion rather than the power of the railcar itself... the extra weight of a loco would mean it could handle it better.
  10. Who wants to post the transcripts to her? Form an orderly queue...
  11. Cheers, Rob. I'll be picking up a few of those... and I'm sure I won't be the only one after the lads here have seen those photos.
  12. Hmm, are those containers available seperately?
  13. Model Irish Railways produced a whitemetal kit, and later a resin version of the 121, but it's no longer available. The recommended chassis was an Athearn SW1500. Murphy Models have tentative plans to produce a RTR version.
  14. ...And because you already own most of them.
  15. They're BR containers. Another shot of containers in open wagons here:
  16. Some more juicy stuff (more atmospheric, this time)... And a loco that will hopefully be up and running again in the not-to-distant future: Have a look through the guy's Flickr photostream... lots more interesting stuff, including early diesel-era BR (for those of you that way inclined ).
  17. So there I was, just innocently browsing through photos on Flickr, when I came across these excellent photos of Irish wagons taken c. 1971 (with a few later shots taken c. 1981). Some of the stock is very unusual, such as the accomodation cabin sitting on a 4-wheel flat, and de-mountable tank wagons... (Best wear a bib when viewing, as you're going to drool!) http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934136832/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934135040/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934133584/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934132730/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934023720/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934022192/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934020392/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/7080093371/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/7080092307/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934012876/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/7080085909/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/7080084699/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/6934009208/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/7080082153/
  18. I'm sure it's been seen on many a layout when some poor unfortunate has spilled his beer...
  19. Welcome aboard, Gerhard.
  20. All gone the way of the Mk2s, Des... A couple of the rebuilt Dutch vans were still knocking around not so long ago, in use as brake vans for the fuel oil transfers. Have a feeling they could've been cut up after those movements came to an end.
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