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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. I don't think anything is as bad as the 29ks... would take the Jap units over them any day! Agree with you about the ICRs - best of the bunch to travel on.
  2. As already mentioned, James May's line no longer exists, so it can no longer be termed the 'longest model railway line in the world'.
  3. It's OK... we'll leave it be and just continue the conversation in the other thread.
  4. I wasn't hiding at Raheny... myself and Richie had Dave's head wrecked with cardboard models and plans strewn across his stand. You must've been in the jacks...
  5. "All you drivers are the same - all smiles and 'yer a grand lad' - but I've been stuck in this twilight zone for 50 years and now I'm really pi**ed off!"
  6. I think this will be the plan...
  7. No bargains there, so! I'm gonna try and pop out for a while... if I can escape!
  8. Way ahead of you... http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1189-World-s-longest-toy-train-track
  9. Spot on, Fran. The Trix one looks decent...
  10. DB have a fleet of Soviet-built locos in the Class 230 series, nicknamed 'Ludmillas'... seriously powerful pieces of kit, built for heavy freight work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DR_Class_130_family I think a lot of them have been re-engined over time.
  11. Sure, his one no longer exists... therefore the Chinese one is the longest in the world. Semantics, Des... semantics!
  12. Just remembered that I snapped this (rather poor) image of Ballybeg at the 2009 SDMRC exhibition...
  13. Hmm, I'll be in Dublin that day. Now to convince the missus that we can go to this AND do some Christmas shopping...
  14. ...Built at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. 2.8km long: http://www.thejournal.ie/worlds-longest-toy-train-track-693268-Dec2012/
  15. "What do you mean you won't give me a cab ride!?" *gives driver the fingers*
  16. That 071 kit looks familiar... great work!
  17. I've watched this video twice in a row... it's amazing! [video=youtube_share;doN4t5NKW-k]
  18. Indeed!
  19. That's a great video... nice find!
  20. A definite Darwin Award nominee. Fair play to the person who raised the alarm.
  21. You've answered my prayers, Des! I've a couple of half-built tankers ready and waiting!
  22. There is indeed, Richie... and there's a couple of shabby Uniload containers in the yard behind the bus garage.
  23. I came across the website of the company who designed the font a while back. They had samples of all the characters on it. Damned if I can remember what the URL was, though...
  24. Been listening to Johnny Cash? [video=youtube_share;k9IfHDi-2EA]
  25. True, but at least it still serves a purpose... would be worse if the rails were lifted.
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