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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Nice driver's eye-view of Longford, there.
  2. I'll hit Google in a while and dig out some ones I remember seeing before. Those LMS signs advertising holidays in Ireland were actually distributed in the UK... don't think they would've appeared over here, unless they weren't bothered making NCC-branded ones.
  3. Reminds of a question that was put to a Granard man once... "Would you like to be cremated?" he was asked. "I don't care if they burn me!" he said.
  4. I think the GPS is more for holding a stationary position without input from the controls, or for returning to a preset location if you lose site of it. Don't think it can follow a programmd route as such... The batteries is those babies last 10-15 minutes max, so you wouldn't want to let it off by itself, only for it to disappear into a distant field or woodland!
  5. Ha, I've actually been thinking about building one... plenty of tutorials out there. And a GoPro camera has been on the shopping list for a while. Doubt the battery charge in the chopper would last the distance from Killorglin to Valentia, though!
  6. You don't even need a big chopper for the aerial shots anymore...
  7. There are supposed to be changes to corporate branding (including a new logo) on the way, so there'll be even more variety soon enough!
  8. You know what? I actually didn't realise that until you mentioned it! Longford still has all its IR-era signage, plus the newer IÉ station signs.
  9. Damnit... the perils of browsing on a phone!
  10. Someone must've been listening to Placebo... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQQmAP9Poo4&sns=em
  11. Better still, have an 071 dragging a DD set + 201 into the terminus in disgrace...
  12. I don't think I've ever seen any photos of a Woolie in battleship grey. I'll be chatting to JHB later this evening so I'll get a definitive answer from him!
  13. Was running late so didn't get a chance to take any photos of CCTV cameras in the end... however, just as the train rolled into the platform, I took a snap of another subtle feature found at all stations nowadays: emergency lighting. Not something that's often seen on layouts, even though the boxes are usually found on every other lamp-post...
  14. I'll be catching a train later today, so I'll try and get a few photos of CCTV cameras for you (if it's not too dark by then). I think platform cameras are usually mounted on lamp-posts, as opposed to separate masts.
  15. until
    The next Collectables Toy Fair takes place this Sunday 2nd December 2012 @ the Clarion Hotel, Liffey Valley, Dublin. 10am - 3.30pm. The following traders are currently confirmed to attend: Brian Collins Enterprises Die-cast Models Martin O' Hanlon Die-cast & Railway Models M+M Models (Mark Tierney) Die-cast Truck Models Irish Transport Books & Models (Dirmud Byrne) Transport Books & Railway Kit Models Sean Ryan Railway Models Owen Kelly Die-cast Models Declan O' Reilly Dioramas Model Rail Baseboards Baseboards Walter O'Berle (Kinvara-Model-Train) Railway Models Dave Mc Cullen Die-cast & Railway Models Collector Toys Die-cast Truck Models Eric Downey Science fiction Items & Memorabilia Nigel Crofts-Green Die-cast Models Brendan Curran (The Train Man) American Outline Noel Sharpe Die-cast Models Woodcreations (Patrick Burke) Display Cases Peter Scott Die-cast Models Motorama Model Die-cast Models Clifton Flewitt Books & Railway Kits Tony Gallagher Old Toys Myles O'Reilly Diecast Models Aidan Ryan Diecast Models Admission Charge as follows: €4 Adult €2 Student / Over 65's €1 Child
  16. Before this thread heads a certain direction... I'd just like to remind everyone about the description for this section of the forum: By all means, discuss the vehicle itself and it's new function, though.
  17. I think we all appreciate it's aimed at the general punter, Seamus... even so, it doesn't excuse the fact it was poorly-produced and gives a false impression of the state of the network. Magic money out of thin air, eh?
  18. Didn't even bother watching it tonight. I was on the verge of kicking in the TV screen whilst watching the last two episodes, so I didn't want to take the risk a third time! It was basically an extended promo for IÉ, with several glaring inaccuracies. Even the 'talking heads' couldn't get their facts right on the few occasions where they were critical.
  19. Goes to show there's no substitute for a decent tripod or shoulder mount when filming. For anyone using a smartphone, a mini tripod can be picked up on eBay for less than €7: http://is.gd/cYDPtZ And for anyone using an iPhone, I can't recommend the Filmic Pro app enough... a seriously powerful bit of kit that's well worth the (modest) price. I know of guys who've used it to record pieces for TV.
  20. I see they've added a few photos to the first album, which show No. 1 in steam on trials today.
  21. You should also be able to add Channel 5 manually: Frequency: 10964 Polarisation: Horizontal Symbol rate (Mbaud): 22.0 FEC: 5/6
  22. Yes, she is. All she needs is a lick of paint to finish her off. She was steamed at Whitehead prior to the move. Her sister, No. 3. is partially disassembled at the moment for some maintenance work to be carried out, but it should be possible to see them both in steam together in the not-to-distant future.
  23. I take it that's the motto you use for your card buildings, so!
  24. "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst" - William Penn I think that applies to most of us modellers!
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