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Everything posted by Kinvara-Train

  1. nice airplane,nice pic Walter
  2. good luck on the waiting:dig: Walter The West awake
  3. I was sure:banana: of that Walter
  4. Thanks for the Visit:cheers: Walter The West awake
  5. thanks to all the Bray Friends for the visit:-bd Walter The west awake
  6. Hi Eoin, great Job,cant wait for for the Z-Model will to a Key-Board -Box layout for the Model:-bd Best regards Walter The west awake
  7. All the best from the West Walter The west awake
  8. Hello all, 1 Day to go:tumbsup: Walter The West awake
  9. 1 Day to go:o Walter
  10. Hello Bray show Fan's One again this Sunday the 01.03.15 at the Bray wheeler's Club 10 AM-14 PM Best regards Walter
  11. Hello one again this Sunday 01.03.15 Bray wheeler's club 10-14 hour See you there Walter The west awake
  12. Hi Westport, Go for Z Gauge and you have the layout in a Briefcase:banana: Best Regards from the west Walter The west awake
  13. all the best from West:cheers: Walter The West Awake
  14. Hello from the west, this is a sampele of Track+Smoke fluid what will be in my regulary stock in Bray next Sunday 01.03.15,it is safe on plastic,rubber,metal etc.it is used a lot by quiet a few forum members.It also keeps the track clean for a long time. Best regards Walter
  15. Hi Eoin, Thanks went well booked nearly out for next venue in 2016 there will be 5 more section for the The Gauge 1 sugar beet loading to bee seen in the Limerick show to bee announced later. Best regards from the West Walter The west awake yes wee can to
  16. The west awake walter Ps.the pic,s are not that good lack of light:SORRY:
  17. the west awake:banana: yes we can to:dig: Walter
  18. Hi Dave you can book for the next event:rolleyes: the west awake Walter
  19. Hi IrishN I need one in Z-Gauge please for my next Bray Layout please:-bd Best Regards Walter ATTACH=CONFIG]17577[/ATTACH]
  20. no MAERKLIN ?????
  21. only 4 hour's to go the west is calling
  22. Hi Eoin, looking for ward to the model's in N+Z Gauge Walter
  23. Hi Myles' If you need any help,give me a shout:D Walter
  24. Hi Eoin, Thanks for your comment,yes only O+ N-Gauge is missing. its only a 1 man team,there is no Club around in the WEST:SORRY: Pic's I will put up next week. Best Regards from the West Walter
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