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Everything posted by Kinvara-Train

  1. Hi Noel,Paul My version of Gort-Station (8X2metres) Best Regards Walter Pic.thanks to ECM
  2. we need a ICE-Train in the west:trains: Best Regards from the west Walter
  3. Hi Slavek, Go for FREMO,you are better off:cheers: best regards Walter
  4. Hi Slavek, No way for fremo in Eire there like to cook there one Soup:ROFL: best regards hottrain
  5. Best Regards Walter Ps. Heki Beli-Beco Viessmann and moore:tumbsup:
  6. Hi Tony, Yes Plywood is the best,put the cork unter the track's best regards Walter
  7. like the ALDI Lighthouse:) Best Regards Kinvara Train
  8. All the best seamus Best Regards Walter
  9. wow speechless Best Regards from the West Kinvara-Train
  10. Hi Jack, All the best from the West:cheers: Best regards Walter
  11. Plywood or MDF ?????? Best Regards Kinvara-Train
  12. Hi Irishrailwayman this is not a critical comment but maybe you would consider next time to curve the background it might look smoother Best regards Walter
  13. Hi Irishrailwayman, WOW real Wood and no Paper,The Basebord has Class best regards Kinvara-Train
  14. no Maerklin O.M.G
  15. Trix is great to
  16. this is the way Walter
  17. sorry still under GB rules
  18. Hello from the west, The Bray show is one again this Sunday the 24.05.15 See you all there Best regards Walter
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